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Posts posted by airconlin

  1. You can try saving an article to getpocket.com use the "Clip+ (Save a URL)" sign on the top right,, and see how quickly Pocket saves an external article to its database.

    Now, compare this with Evernote's Clip feature and experience how painfully slow it is at saving an external article.
    If you're using a mobile phone app of Evernote, you can't switch to another app; otherwise, it won't save at all, had to wait a few seconds, a few minutes, or forever to get 1 URL content saved.
    Another thing is Evernote saved articles usually have layout issues, Pocket usually has no issue on layout formatting. 

  2. If you run a search engine, speed is the most important factor. The same applies to a note app—when I search my own notes, it should be as fast as Google. Google searches the entire web, while Evernote is only searching my archive. Yet, Evernote usually takes 10 times longer than a Google search.
    You can’t even provide the most basic service, yet you keep wasting resources by popping up new feature screens when I open the app.
    I don’t need those features; I just need to find my notes quickly. I’m a paying customer—stop wasting system resources on marketing to me.
    Those new features never appease paying customers, and every slow search makes customers angry.

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  3. I can open https://www.evernote.com but when I try to login, it shows "Sorry, we're having some trouble loading Evernote Web.Try reloading the page.", this happened since yesterday.  This happened in my corporate network with Chrome browser.

    I just change to IE browser in the corporate network, it still works,  I can open page there.
    I can only use an older version IE, and I found out that the speed is much faster than using Chrome and App.

    I guess evernote developed too much useless features which make the application very slow. 

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