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Posts posted by svako

  1. On 4/22/2020 at 6:57 AM, timva said:

    Maybe someone can use this or make something for them.

    (I used this and it worked for me. I don't maintain this code or support it. It might not even be the latest version I had. I just found it and share it.)

    You can compile it yourself using Microsoft Visual Studio.

    Source code is here: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/bay7wcth8j52rc4/AAAspDZ6sYPg0wkO_yjVIz2za?dl=0

    To register the esh:// protocol,

    Put the executable (found in release\\bin) in c:\\EvernoteSearchHandler

    Create a .REG file with this content (and then execute it):

    Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

    @="URL:ESH Protocol"
    "URL Protocol"=""



    @="\"C:\\EvernoteSearchHandler\\EvernoteSearchHandler.exe\" \" %1\""


    This appears to be a Windows thing and, more importantly, over my paygrade. But I'm much obliged, sir, for your help. Thank you!




  2. On 2/19/2016 at 4:19 AM, timva said:

    So, I went ahead and made a program to do this. I called it "EvernoteSearchHandler". It's essentially a URL protocol handler tool. In the old days, you could use irc://server/room to open your favorite IRC program via a link. This works the same way. You can create a link: esh://tag1 tag2/ and when clicked, my EvernoteSearchHandler starts up (invisible), and puts "tag1 tag2" in the search textfield and "presses" ENTER.

    I wrote this in C# and it is 7 lines long... I can only imagine how fast Evernote developers could replicate this and put it in their program

    any chance you could share the code?



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