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Zhao Ting Chen

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Posts posted by Zhao Ting Chen

  1. 在 2023/5/4 在 AM1點21分, Federico Simionato說:

    Hello everybody!
    We are actively working to update more and more customers from Legacy to the latest version of Evernote. Many don't even know they are using an unsupported version, so we are making that more evident through in-app communication and by testing a new update popup on Windows.

    As part of that plan, we also removed the H&L article with links to the Legacy versions. The links remain available through Support in case people need them to fix some issues.

    The Legacy versions remain available, and the download links continue to work, but we decided to make the download links less accessible at this time.

    Hope this clarifies!

    Hello Federico,

    I would agree to update to the latest version, IF evernote team could add back a feature from the old version.

    when I copy a text or anything from a webpage and paste it on a new note, the note automatically shows the source URL.

    With the latest version, I need to add the source URL manually every time I copy and paste something from a webpage.

    Hope you and your team could consider this.

    Thank you

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