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About sumatracow

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  1. Hello, just wondering how the webclipper decides which Notebook to place the bookmark in when I right click and book mark a web page? Is it possible to set a default webpage so I can tag/update the notebook locations later?
  2. OK, after researching and looking at the sync logs. I figured that this issue is due to a single (yes single) image pasted previously from Telegram. I think somewhere down the line, my Telegram messages were purged for privacy or something (might be my settings) and thus the image was non-existent. It then stopped the sync from working.... All good now and upgrade to Premium. Happy with Evernote!!! @gazumped Thanks for the help all this time! PS Maybe Evernote can actually copy that file over somehow so that even if it was deleted, it still has a copy. Not sure of the tech details though.....
  3. The doc is based on words (typed) and an app screen shot pasted in. It's the app screen shot which doesn't show up when I share the doc. I use a mac book pro. Obviously when I print to PDF, all is good. Its only at the web browser level. Just noticed that even on the evernote browser, (Not a shared doc), I don't see any pictures.
  4. And no, it's not a big page. https://www.evernote.com/l/AZzGINTOhSJK54Yqmo3mXVqNRk3sfYfkUqg So it looks like this on the real page. Images have been screenshot on my mac and then just pasted in. Typically a PNG file.
  5. Yeah, I tried to check via the shared page link, Where the image is at, it shows <img class="en-media en-media-image" data-hash="1efd1ddcd8fffcd4488eed1ec5d87857" data-type="image/png" data-url="undefined" data-yjs-hook="en-resource" data-reference="resource-0" data-timestamp="1593160113047"> seems like there's no source there.
  6. Hi, just want to know if this is due to my free account ... Everytime I share a doc with images or attachments such as PDFs as a public link, a placeholder shows but image is not shown nor is the PDF downloadable. Any idea on this? Otherwise Evernote is great! Finally something I can keep on top of.
  7. Hi, is there a limitation on sharing notes with images? The images don't show on the shared link. Only the words.
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