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Alexander Raven

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Posts posted by Alexander Raven

  1. 3 hours ago, PinkElephant said:

    Further to this, on the server you find the note history, which is a version history of all changes done to a note. So even if a change included something like a delete action, the previous status can be won back by going back in history and reactivate the note version before the wrong action.

    This does not work on a note that was completely deleted.

    The feature is only available to paying users, but in the background it runs for Basic accounts as well. When someone upgrades, the note history is unlocked and available even for changes prior to the upgrade.

    Hello! I am an Evernote user for years now, recently upgraded to a Premium account. May I ask more specifically how does backup note work? How can I use it? I've got some notes which I'd like to see their history. Thank you.

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