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Posts posted by HugoAlcala93

  1. 2 minutes ago, PinkElephant said:

    Then I don’t understand your concern about „being forced to go Premium“. The software is the same, the permanent updating is the same, so the problem would probably be the same.

    You could try to go offline, edit, go back online and see if it syncs.

    You could do the same, copy the content to a new note, delete the problematic one, back online, maybe it syncs

    The ultimate solution at the moment is to install the legacy client:

    My concern is that some time ago, everyone could just access and modify their notes offline without problems.

    Now, Premium says:


    Capture and access everything that matters on all of your devices, even when you’re offline.

    I have already had problems when I have no connection (notes won't open) and now this... It's just frustrating to write a long paragraph and, after 5 minutes writing, its gone, no conflictive notes, no automatic backup note... just write it again and try. :P

    I may try that legacy client though.


  2. Dear friends from the Evernote community,

    I have to say that I am fed up with Evernote on Mac... The newest version has problems to update my notes and it seems as if Evernote was forcing me to pay for the premium version in order to have stability (notes need now permanent Internet connection to update).

    I have just written a paragraph in a note and twice it has been erased because it could not be uploaded. Has anyone had this error before? Any tips on what to do? My WLAN connection is not always strong... Very frustrating since I have everything on Evernote since 2012...

  3. Hi everybody,


    I have just updated my Evernote and can't find how to activate this option. Before, I could be in a different window but still go up to my toolbar and find the Evernote Elephant icon if the app was open. When I clicked on it, a small note would appear to write whatever I wanted or copy-paste from the window I was using without actually having to move to the Evernote window... Now, when I click on the elephant icon, it takes me directly to the Evernote app...


    Any ideas?

    Thanks in advance,



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