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Posts posted by peachescadge

  1. I understand your concern. If necessary, the post can be deleted. It is important to note that sharing sensitive personal data with third-party AI can have severe negative consequences. Therefore, I personally highly recommend against it. Just take a look at companies like LastPass and the plethora of others whose customer data is now available for purchase on the dark web. The term "third-party AI" should ring alarms for people since there is no guarantee of their security standards. Most likely, they are outsourced, so it's not a matter of if a data breach will happen, but when.


  2. 26 minutes ago, gazumped said:

    Please check your facts before posting.  AI search is an opt-IN feature.  If you prefer not to use it,  don't.  And the data supplied to a third party system to complete the search is not retained for any purpose and is purged within 30 days.  There is a possibility that third party staff might see the content if there is some issue with the results but the answer is: don't supply anything you are concerned about.  Simples.

    facts were checked, hence my post, I recommend you review my screenshot.


    and this --> " And the data supplied to a third party system to complete the search is not retained for any purpose and is purged within 30 days.  "


    is absolute rubbish, anyone who believes this needs to have a good look in the mirror along with the product owners and developers


    your naivety is quite frankly, embarrassing.  

  3. It seems like product owners and developers are not understanding the needs of their customers. Evernote is used for both personal and professional purposes, and many users have important and sensitive data stored in their Notebooks.


    Despite this, Evernote seems to think it's acceptable to share this data with third parties. This decision is not well-thought-out, and it's disappointing that Evernote is not taking the privacy and security of its users seriously.


    As someone who has been using Evernote for over a decade, I am deeply disappointed with this move. It's time for Evernote to take a long, hard look at its priorities and make sure that it is putting the needs and safety of its users first.

    bad idea.png

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