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Posts posted by sBham

  1. I already thought about that BUT the task view is what is important: 

    When a user is within the tasks view/context, they should be able to see tasks by context. In this case the contexts that a user can build using the filters in tasks view should include tags! 


    Everno Tags is one of the many differentiators of Evernote and tasks management and view just don't benefit of that yet. 

    so pretty much long term users that unavoidably start using tags just can't use tasks as efficiently because they can't marry tags and tasks! 

    I am just perplexed 🤔 at why it is taking this long to add a filter from a different place of the app the tasks views.... 



  2. I asked this question over in Reddit to see what others do as a work around but I got to ask here as well: 

    I have been using Evernote for as long as I can remember as a note taking tools first, email and general "support" for my task system.... 

    I still think that one of Evernote's sweetest features is the tagging system. Tags can be nested a lot more deeper than notebooks and.... 

    I have been trying to move my task system over to Evernote but one annoying thing keeps me from doing that: one just can't filter tasks by tags (still) ! 
    So for example: I can't have a view of the tasks by "realm" tags like viewing tasks by "r.home" or "r.work" tag. Or by project "p.project1".... 

    So what do folks here do to organize tasks by different tags?  Do folks switch over to notebooks (that is limiting) ? 


    Is this something on the roadmap at all ? 

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