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Posts posted by Bteam

  1. It would be so helpful if you could implement 'smart' / advanced tables.  What I mean is the ability to create a table and for each column in the table being able to select the data type required:  for example:  Text, Number, Single-select option, Multi-select option, Date, Person, Checkbox, etc.  This would make taking notes and tracking things so much more user friendly.  It would also be great if you could have an option to sum up all numbers in a single column.


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  2. I use Evernote to capture all my meeting notes and tasks/actions and when each task is due.  I find it makes life easier to have the meeting notes and context in the same place as the task/action. 

    Can you add a 'smart' due date feature, whereby a user can enter, for example:  Due date = Today,  Tomorrow,  Next Wednesday, etc, or bring up a monthly view to select appropriate date.  It would be great if these dates were also taggable or searchable, so that we could search through and display all notes with tasks due on a particular day or week.

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