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Posts posted by 00toolkit00

  1. Hi,


    I am using a software known as Spectacle, it is a Linux snipping software (similiar to Microsoft 'Snipping Tool'). 

    Lets say, there a tutorial on coding, I will take screenshoots of the codes and important points highlighted
    by the Youtuber.  Normally for a 15 mins video, I will take at least 10 to 15 screenshoots.

    When I am snipping and pasting, I can actually see the images that I pasted into Evernote web. But when I jump out
    of the note and come back later, I will see the images replaced with rotating circles. 

    This workflow is faster compared to Evernote Clipper. The Clipper tool will produce individual notes for each
    clip. This wastes time as I need to merge them back again.  Also for some reason, the resolution is not that

    Thanks in advance!


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