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Posts posted by Micha8583

  1. Sound a bit of a confusing title, but couldn't think of a better one to describe my pet peeve: 

    When I'm searching for an Evernote entry on my phone, one I KNOW it is on it locally (because that's where I created it), Evernote, without fail, first attempts to go online and do a cloud search first. THEN it tries to find the entry on my phone. This can take a long time. When I disconnect my online provider first, Evernote finds the item in question in no time, because it skips the online search bit. 

    The thing is, I work in a place with huge metal surroundings (a machine shop), where the www connection is poor at best. I store a lot of Information to part specific items on Evernote so I can jump to the info just by tapping in the part number (which I usually store with a snapshot of said item along with processing info). And for me, it is aggravating to set the phone into airplane mode for about 30 times a day. 

    So I would really appreciate a feature where it would FIRST do a local search before, after an empty search, would prompt me to try again online. Or to disable cloud search. 

    I know there is a workaround with setting the notebook as "offline available", which would be a thing for me if my problem woudl be across several devices. But it is a local issue and I would appreciate if Evernote would handle it a a local one too. 

    Aside from that, I really appreciate the app, in which I store so much of my everyday stuff and makes my life a lot easier. 

    Thanks in advance, 


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