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Posts posted by todd_n

  1. On 2/20/2023 at 11:48 AM, PinkElephant said:

    I think it would be good to get a tabs feature in v10, but I also think we should find better arguments than "we want it back". Handling multiple notes is not really enough, this can be done by opening several notes in their own windows.

    I regularly jump between multiple notebooks since I use the content from one notebook as a reference while working in another notebook. Having multiple notes open kind of works, but I'd much rather be able to flip back and forth between multiple open notebooks.

  2. One of my main use cases for Evernote involves sharing notes on a consistent basis.

    Previously, sharing a note was part of the chat function. This was useful, since people could see when a note was shared with them in chat and quickly follow up. Also, the ability to add a chat message during the share process was convenient as well.

    Now, there is more confusion about when notes are shared — especially if shared notes are moved between folders. Would love to see the sharing notes process reincorporated with the chat functionality.

  3. I use the "drawing" feature regularly to take meeting notes.

    In my "meeting notes" notebook, I will copy my notes from the previous meeting since there are often several recurring agenda items to be covered.

    On mobile, copying a drawing is difficult and buggy. It can be difficult to select the drawing without going into editing mode, and the cursor seems to jump to the end of the note pretty regularly while I'm messing around with this.

    Would be great to have some sort of long press menu that includes "duplicate" or "copy" on drawings.

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  4. Just adding one more voice to the choir of users for whom tabs are an essential part of regular workflows.

    I am excited about the possibilities with a rebuilt app and many of the changes are excellent. However, the removal of tabs is extremely disruptive and I will be using the legacy client until they are reinstated—and potentially searching for another software solution.

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