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Richard LC

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Posts posted by Richard LC

  1. I find it surprising that there are no release notes anywhere that I can find on the web site. Considering the general dissatisfaction from users with the new version 10, I thought it would be a matter of highest importance to issue release notes with each release so that we can find out whether a key issue has been resolved or not. It's not asking a lot, and is definitely an example of good business practise.

    Come on Evernote, respond to your users/customers please.

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  2. I hunted for some release notes to find out what has been changed in the latest build, but maybe I looked in the wrong place. Are there release notes or a list of changes for the current build? If not, why not? I am sticking with the legacy v6 until v10 has been brought up to a usable level again, so release notes are essential. I am not going to install every new release and then waste time trying to discover what has changed.

    Thank you.

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  3. Many thanks for your enlightening reply. I will remove version 10 and go back to the more complete legacy version. I'm a plain-text fan so didn't like the new bigger shinier glossy interface anyway. All style and very little substance. And I still can't believe they would release a complex product like this without any access to the program's settings. Like not even being able to check the language or spelling-checker options!

    This reminds me of when Microsoft rebuilt Windows from the ground up, resulting in VISTA. The very thought makes me shudder...


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  4. It's more like buying a new car and discovering they haven't finished building it yet. And they haven't put the wheels on yet.

    Regarding running the old and new versions side by side, that would have been made easier if the new version hadn't uninstalled the old one during its setup process.

    I hadn't realised the new version was still in beta, or at least unfinished, since that is the only version available for download. I thought it was an upgrade. What are they trying to do, exactly?

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