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Posts posted by nilsandersson

  1. On 1/20/2019 at 2:44 PM, Calvin.Powers said:


    For months I have been able to say "Ok Google note to self xxx" and Android would save a new note in evernote with xxx in the body. I love this feature. I bet I use it 5 or 6 times a day. 

    But today, out of the blue, it stopped working. Now when I say that, Google Assistant saves it somewhere else. Where? I am not sure. I think it is saving the notes in google assistant itself. I can say "OK Google show me my notes" and it will list the notes and I can tap them and see them and edit them even, but they are not in evernote. The are in something else. Sorry to be so vague on that point, but I can't tell. All I know is that it seems to be entirely within Google Assistant and it's definitely not Evernote. 

    Argh. Very frustrating. I spent an hour on a chat today with Google One support and they eitehr couldn't or wouldn't help me. 

    Any one know how I can fix this so that I can save notes to evernote again? I don't care if I have to say something slightly different to trigger it. But I've tried a bunch of different variations of the phrase and tired adding "with evernote" etc and so far have not been able to get it working again. 

    I did find an odd work around. If you push the assistant button and then say "ok, google note to self" you will get an option of where to put your note. and if will remember your choice but everytime you want to use it you have to go thru the whole routine again. Push button, say the words "ok google note to self and it will put you note in app you choose.

    On 1/20/2019 at 2:44 PM, Calvin.Powers said:


    For months I have been able to say "Ok Google note to self xxx" and Android would save a new note in evernote with xxx in the body. I love this feature. I bet I use it 5 or 6 times a day. 

    But today, out of the blue, it stopped working. Now when I say that, Google Assistant saves it somewhere else. Where? I am not sure. I think it is saving the notes in google assistant itself. I can say "OK Google show me my notes" and it will list the notes and I can tap them and see them and edit them even, but they are not in evernote. The are in something else. Sorry to be so vague on that point, but I can't tell. All I know is that it seems to be entirely within Google Assistant and it's definitely not Evernote. 

    Argh. Very frustrating. I spent an hour on a chat today with Google One support and they eitehr couldn't or wouldn't help me. 

    Any one know how I can fix this so that I can save notes to evernote again? I don't care if I have to say something slightly different to trigger it. But I've tried a bunch of different variations of the phrase and tired adding "with evernote" etc and so far have not been able to get it working again. 


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