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Posts posted by Stinos01

  1. GUYS, IT'S GETTING REDICULOUSLY IRRITATING NOW. I HATE CAPS, BUT PLEASE REALISE YOUR ARE GOING TO LOSE CLIENTS AND PEOPLE WILL NOT RECOMMEND YOU. Also for me it's the third time since July and then I don't even count all the weeks I've just put away the error 10 times after each other each day. If you think that because you're 'locked in' in our way of working over the past years you think we won't switch, I think you're mistaken. 

    I will give you guys until my subscription renewal in feb. Otherwise, lovely program, but this is so annoying. And the most annoying is, you probably don't even read this and you don't communicate with your customers. 

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  2. Evernote, come on guys, this is getting pretty rediculous and making me seriously wonder of leaving you after years. You don't seem to interact with your customers at all on this topic even though you might try to fix it. The errors are really damn annoying and nothing works to fix it. Reinstalling only works for about a couple of weeks, then it's back. 

    How long do you wanna push this?

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