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B. Clay Miles

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Posts posted by B. Clay Miles

  1. Behold the Search dialogue. I've placed the before and after side-by-side - note that the top margin is identical in both images. I make no claims to artistic competency in creating this simulation.



    Note how the entire search box is now down roughly over the 'New note' bar.  The cursor - because evernote has no control of it - remains where it was when I clicked in the box.

    This is absolutely ghastly UI/UX. The location of what I clicked on should not change as a result of clicking it, unless that change is expected, desired, and meaningful to the operation. I'm now looking at my cursor which is no longer in the search box. The mentally automatic reaction is that I'm no longer "attached" to the search dialogue, so need to move the arrow down and click again. Which is spurious because the dialogue is already selected.


    The solution is easy and obvious. Move the (for me) utterly useless 'select mode' elsewhere, so that the dialogue box stays where it was. While you're at it, create a new option I can select in settings: "No, I never, ever, will use this "AI-Powered" search mechanism, because I do not want what I type sent to an unidentified "third-party AI vendor" who I have to agree to indemnify and hold harmless, so please remove entirely the "Select mode" dialogue so that the application can operate like any other (sane) application would".

    I've reached an age in my life that my tolerance for nonsense like this is as short as a firecracker fuse. As this post demonstrates.

    Look, you want to do the buzzword-of-the-year AI play, great, make it something people opt into, as in, don't force a modified UI unless and until someone actually opts in.


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  2. 9 hours ago, PinkElephant said:

    Actually seeing the full title can be useful. Narrow title column, many notes starting with the same title, and the difference is hidden at the end. In my case many invoices and bank account reports are like it.

    The full title popup makes it easy to find the right monthly receipt, for example.

    I'm glad it works for you. When I need to see many note titles that are wider than the column...I drag the column wider.

    At minimum, they should offer the ability to turn off this 'feature'. I don't doubt that it offers a facility that's useful for some people. Is there a thread here from long ago with people pleading for popups like these?

    • Like 1
  3. I think this started with the most recent release, as I never saw it before. While mousing over various things in evernote, I keep getting these 'dialogue-ish' popups showing the full name of anything that is partially obscured, as in a notebook or note title that is longer than the viewable area. They happen frequently, and they are dog-slow to arise, which is annoying to no end. I've been unable to find any way to turn off this new "feature".  Image attached.

    Why do they keep making useless UI changes (like the recent change of the options for merging where instead of a checkmark next to the selected choices, it's simply a different color...why????) rather than improving the core performance of the app? Evernote's responsiveness continues to get worse and worse, scrolling is laggy, refresh is laggy.

    And no, it's not my PC. I think with a Ryzen 9 5950X at 5GHz, 64G of ram, and a 990 Pro M2 SSD, I've pretty well eliminated the system as a failure point - particularly when there's none of this lagginess in any other apps open simultaneously.


    2024-03-06 18_52_48-anastrophe servers_routers_pc's_raspberry pi's_etc - Evernote.png

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  4. On 1/18/2024 at 9:31 PM, PinkElephant said:

    Oh, you mean a popup on start like „Use with caution. This release may not be the latest version“ ?

    No, I mean that when you click "Check for update...", instead of the untrue "You're up to date! Evernote 10.71.2 is the newest version available.", it should state "Evernote 10.71.2 is the most recent version available for you. 10.72.2 is the newest version, but being released gradually to all customers".

    They take the space to display the release notes, they have the space to be clear about their use of rolling releases.


    I am pretty sure a lot of software you are using does staged updates. It’s pretty much industry standard, to balance server load for example. You probably just didn’t notice.

    No, it is not an industry standard by any stretch of the imagination, not how evernote is doing it at least. I worked in the industry for decades, only recently going into semi-retirement. You say you're "pretty sure" about it. Please, provide a few examples. It is definitely not common to include a "Check for update" option within the software that misrepresents the current release version to customers. More common is that the software auto-checks on an interval thats unrelated to the date of actually release, but within a reasonable timeframe, for example, if the application starts each time you reboot, it checks on a daily or weekly basis automatically for releases. Otherwise, when you manually start the application it checks for new release.

    If software updates are causing excessive load on the vendor's servers, they need to find better network and server administrators.

    Rolling releases are typically for experimental features, and with notice.

  5. 5 hours ago, s2sailor said:

    I understand what you are saying.  What I have noticed in the past that, even when a new version is available on the website, hitting the in app check for update will not always show a new version to be available.  Sometimes it might, sometimes it doesn’t.  This isn’t new behavior.  I understand that you think it should, and maybe so, but since I’ve seen it act like this for quite a while, I think this is how they slow the rollout of new versions. They slowly release the in-app availability.  Also, sometimes they find a problem with a version and remove it from availability. That may explain the missing ones.


    Fair enough I guess. They should have a popup that advises that if you select "check for update" the behavior might not be what it says it's doing."Update xx.xx.x is in production, but your install isn't ready for it. Please check again next {{day|week|month}}".

    Rolling releases of production code is...not a good sign, it reflects a lack of confidence in the code they push out.

  6. 14 minutes ago, s2sailor said:

    It does.  That is how they manage the rollout.  The work around is to go to the website and download it directly.

    As I wrote in my original comment, I did click the 'check for update' option in Evernote. I shut down and restarted Evernote, then hit check for update. Same lack of update. Rebooted. Same lack of update. So, it is demonstrably broken. Perhaps it was broken only in 10.71.2 and they made no mention of a fix for it. Curiously enough, if you go to the release notes page, and click on same for 10.71.3 and 10.71.4 - they are missing.

  7. I am aware. By monitoring


    It's easy to see when the downloads have stopped. As in, it stopped at 12,205 hashed subfolder, and has not changed (either in bytes downloaded or hashed folder count) in roughly twelve hours. And this total is smaller than the previous download which ended at 12,415. I have 15,276+ notes. Interestingly, the desktop application shows the correct count of notes; however, disabling the connection, large numbers of notes report "Note unavailable This note is not available offline, once back online the note will be available again", and worse, after enabling and bringing up a note, disabling returns it to unavailable - it doesn't even sync after being 'requested' via the interface.

    Also - but unrelated - they clearly throttle downloads for no apparent reason when synching within the client. I can download the entire 9 gigabytes and 15k+ notes in about 45 minutes using the evernote-backup tool. I am in the process of importing all of the data into Joplin, to see if the .enex files are "consistent" with the failure.

    I'm sure my frustration is palpable. Having  a substantial number of notes accumulated over fifteen years not available should 'disaster' strike is untenable.

    • Sad 1
  8. I think I spelled out my scenario pretty clearly. Your response is unrelated, and ignores the stipulation that this is a hypothetical scenario, so telling me 'don't do unintentional logouts' is pretty silly. What if I had Parkinson's disease? Failing eyesight? Unintentional things happen in real life.

    Perhaps I was too subtle. Evernote is very proud in their T&C's and policies about how we, the users, own our data. If there is no possible way to access our LOCAL data without authenticating on Evernote-controlled authentication servers, then we do not own our data, period.

    I've been a paying customer of Evernote since 2008. I've spent weeks trying to get Evernote support to be responsive to the fact that if I disable my internet connection, random notes are simply unavailable. A few thousand of them by my estimations, after wiping my local copy and redownloading - twice: once before they had gotten around to actually reading the body of my support ticket, and once after they helpfully forced a 'reindex' of my data stored on Evernote's servers. So even without the matter of authentication, I do not have ownership of a significant portion of my notes.

  9. I would like to get a better understanding of this.

    For the sake of argument, let's assume Evernote goes out of business - or, their systems are deeply comprised, including their authentication servers, and all authentication credentials are lost/corrupted irretrievably.

    I have Evernote running on my desktop PC, and I am previously in a logged in state, and using Evernote locally, even though the mothership's authentication servers are gone/kaput.

    One day, I open the 'file' menu, perhaps intending to print a note, and unintentionally click 'Sign out <my name>'.  Long ago, I had clicked on the 'Do not show this message again' when I had gotten the 'Keep local backup?' dialogue had popped up, so there is no dialogue, and I'm signed out.

    Thereafter, I no longer have any access to notes -  access is gone, permanently and irrevocably?


  10. Excellent, thanks for the reply. In regards to your speculations, no, it's not that i've fat-fingered the box when clipping (I know you didn't say it that way!), I've done this dozens of times on multiple sites, that was just an example site. When I did the screenshot, it was from the 'zoom in' page, which filled the page. It's definitely some sort of fubar with firefox and evernote - but - what I want to know is, why the heck isn't that option on right-click a standard part of the clipper interface!

    It works great, so I will rely on that until the issue is fixed.


    Thanks again.

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  11. I'm not entirely sure if this belongs in the Evernote for Windows (legacy) area, as it's the web clipper that has the issue - but I don't see an area specifically for the web clipper


    Windows 10 Pro 21H2

    Firefox 103.0.2

    The issue occurs in Firefox. If I try in Opera, it works fine. I realize that points to an issue with Firefox, but I can't find anything in my settings or extensions that could cause it. I just disabled all extensions except the Evernote Clipper, same results. Happens whether I click drag, or just click for full page.

    I guess basically I'm here to see if others have experienced it, and if they were able to fix it.

    The image I am screenshotting is public domain ( https://pixnio.com/media/white-church-tower-backyard-religion-tower#  )

    1. A screenshot using a desktop application, showing the page immediately before the Evernote screenshots:1651190831_2022-08-1014_53_31-NVIDIAGeForceOverlayDT.thumb.png.a0dae09ede2cbf8b8a63f3950d3fa847.png



    2. The results of the Evernote Clipper click-drag screenshot:


    3. The results of the Evernote Clipper click for full page screenshot:



    Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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