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About julilloyd

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  1. Whew. Thanks so much! I do have so many memories and clips that I need to transfer. I will see if they can offer a bit of a discount when I go to the cancel page : D.
  2. So....if I downgrade from PERSONAL to FREE, I only get to keep 50 files? I have 22,000 notes and trying to cull a lot of them I no longer need. I was one of the founding subscribers back in the day! I have used all the different subscriptions over the years and, now that I am retired, only use Evernote for a few notes here and there (and the reference manuals for our appliances and my scanned journals, etc.). I downgraded from Professional to Personal two years ago. I hate to leave EN to go to free but I don't need to spend $129 a year for a dozen notes a month. Can I keep my old notes and reference them if I go to a free account? Even what I have read in this thread doesn't really explain this. Also, I might change my mind in a couple of months and decide to resubscribe! Will my notes still be there if I do??? Thanks for any help here.
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