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Posts posted by ayeroof

  1. Hello - I sent in a support email regarding a search problem I was having. Ticket # 2879346.  The support tech was very helpful in re--creating the issue and stating that it was something I'd have to request a feature update on. 

    Basically, I have an 8 year journal in which the title of an entry takes the format of "YYYY_MM_DD - Day of Week"  If I want to search entries for a date, say 07_04, there is no way of doing this. The intitle syntax doesn't work.

    Seems like this should be a very simple thing to search for. I'm forced to use onenote for work and use the same format above for meeting notes, agendas, etc and the search feature works seemlessly and flawlessly without any special syntax.  

    Your consideration would be greatly appreciated.

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