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Posts posted by SewHelpMe

  1. 8 hours ago, PinkElephant said:

    Now the same note on 10.66.3 on my Mac. This is using "Print Note"  with standard options:


    Page 2 holds a part of the table, page 3 the rest.

    And this is the same, but instead of using 100%, I reduced the scale of the output to 75% (= 1 click down). By accident, the whole table now fits on one page - this makes it print as a page, with an empty page (there is a line of empty text behind the table) as page 2. Scaling to 80% makes again show the title only page 1, and then all of the table on page 2, with an empty page 3.



    Conclusion: The print output problem exists on the desktop client, the mobile client behaves better. On desktop, it detects that there is a table and instead of splitting it up right away, starts the table on the second page. 

    We know that printing is a pretty basic function on v10 - has ever been, what we have today is better than at the beginning, but could still take some rework. As a quick workaround I would try printing from mobile, since it produces for this note a better output.

    Interestingly enough, I did try that method. The result was text too small for me to read and although I increased the table size considerably, the table output for the print job remained the same. Fixed at 429 (or thereabouts) pixels.


    Print preview after increasing table width.


  2. 9 hours ago, PinkElephant said:

    This is how it prints on my iPhone when I open the link in my browser:


    And this is how it prints when I open the note in my mobile EN app, and use the print note function:


    Not much of a difference, I would say. The margins are nicer from the browser. I didn’t play with print options.

    Thank you for the thorough testing ... except that I don't use a mobile device. I use the desktop.

    Curiosity prompts me to ask: what is an EN app?

  3. 10 hours ago, agsteele said:

    I concur that, in general, printing is poor. At least it has been. I've actually seen an improvement more recently.

    However, the issues you describe, with the title occupying a page on its own is not mine. This suggests a layout issue. Is this with a note created by web clipping or did you type it from scratch yourself?

    The table over spilling is an issue. I find that I need to set the actual size of the table so that it prints on one page.

    It is such a long time since I used the old version of Evernote that I don't remember how printing worked there. Possibly tables resized to fit a page with when printing.

    My preference has been to export a note to HTML and print from the HTML which I have found more reliable.

    In the older version, using print preview resolved any problems because it sent the note to a PDF print driver. Occasionally, I would have to manually resize the table, but most of the time, the pages fit just fine on the page.

    In this version, resizing the table did nothing. The table output remained the same regardless of the table width. When I looked at the HTML code (I exported to an HTML file) I found that it set the table based on the size of the image I had in the first cell. The only way to get a bigger table was to manually edit the HTML file (which I found incredibly tedious with all the bloated HTML codes).

    So, before, I could do print preview, then print and be done.

    Now, I have to export to HTML, edit the HTML, open the HTML in a browser and print.

    If this application is relying on HTML to create the pages then a simple fix would not to have static table size, but relative sizes. In fact, the entire output could be improved by setting all dimensions for the table (rows, cols) to relative and keep only images fixed.

    Granted, I haven't worked with HTML since 2000, but I doubt it's changed that much, has it?

  4. I've been happily using the old desktop until tonight when I couldn't see my notebooks. No idea why all my notes (near 4000) just vanished. So, I updated. Didn't want to, truly, because I was quite satisfied with version 6.25.

    I find this new interface frustrating. Things which took one keystroke, now take 2 or more.

    But the thing I find most aggravating is the printing. One entire page is used up with the title. Every time. Regardless of formatting in my note. Additionally, the table no longer fits to the width of the printed page, causing some tables (of which I use many) to span more pages than should be needed.

    Here's a link to one of my notes that refuses to print in a manner I can use:


    That note should print on a single page. Not 3.

    I also attempted to export to HTML to see if that print would improve the results. It might have been acceptable, if the table was not defined as a fixed size. It should be relative in order to maximize the page usage.

    In short, I dislike this new "streamlined" version. It is more work, less effective, and more convoluted.

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