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Mark Timares

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Posts posted by Mark Timares

    I agree. Sections within a notebook would be very helpful.q

    I've also asked a long time ago for a collapsable outliner feature similar to Omni-Outliner. 

    I have been flirting with Microsoft One Note. Sections are supported there and It's quite useful.

    I'd also add a revamp of the boring and unchanging Evernote UI would be nice. I like how Microsoft One Note shows notebook sections as colorful tabs, like a paper notebook. Evernote's UI is a bit depressing to work in. The color tabs in One Note help the human.

    I still like evernote best, but I wish it were not so black and grey boring to work in, and sections would be nice. Think about some color UI Evernote.

    Look at ugh microsoft One Note UI for Inspiration? Yech I can't believe i wrote that.


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  2. I would strongly like to vote for a collapsable list feature similar to OmniOutliner's capabilities.  Multi level collapsable lists. Clone what Omni Outliner does in Evernote!

    It's a hugely beneficial way to organize thoughts. Gives a way to break project ideas down. Helps organize and break down complicated ideas.

    Humans love it.   It's how we think!


    Screen Shot 2019-01-30 at 4.46.35 PM.png

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