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Posts posted by luke_duncan

  1. Adding a new member to a notebook. Since we added, the new user created a new Evernote account (sam@ticketbud.com) - and the notebook shows under his account and the "Shared with Me" section of his Evernote. When he clicks on it he get's the error "Either you need permission to access or the notebook was moved or deleted".

    Under my account it is showing that he is added to the notebook and it is simply not allowing him to access it.

    I have attached a screenshot of what it looks like to me and him being added. And also the error that he is receiving when trying to access the notebook.


    Screen Shot 2018-10-16 at 11.26.07 AM.png

    Screen Shot 2018-10-16 at 11.28.06 AM.png

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