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Posts posted by Brian86

  1. 51 minutes ago, PinkElephant said:

    Don’t expect any longer term lists of „acknowledged“ issues and timelines about „fixing“. First not everything you (or me, or anybody else) miss is a missing feature.

    Second not everything missing may be easy to fix, or fixable at all. Example: When v10 launched first, I checked other Electron apps for scripting. I found none, not a single one. Conclusion: When you decide to use Electron as platform, no scripting possible (ever).

    Third even if both doesn’t apply, there are usually more ideas than capacity. And plans will change, so why infuriate users waiting for „their“ feature when others are moving up, and pass by. 

    Let’s have some fun in life, and the EN devs surprising us from time to time is among them.

    Maybe they even do it one day with „your“ feature …

    Well said.

  2. 29 minutes ago, PinkElephant said:

    Actually it doesn't break anything. Breaking means to intentionally damage something.

    In this case the framework based app needs to containerize content to handle it. What makes multiple actions difficult now is that the containers are to be handled one by one, not as a group. That's the unbroken situation we have now.

    To change this they would need to create some code that unwraps the content out of the containers, and make it available for (say) the OS clipboard. This on the fly would be a challenge in performance, I believe.

    There is a routine that does it: It's the HTML export, which collects all attachments from their containers and place them as files in a folder, that is saved beside the notes text in the HTML export folder "envelop".

    For whatever reason.   Bottom line is that the application has lost a valuable piece of functionality.  Actually it has lost another one that I just came across.  You can downsize an image in a note, but you cannot enlarge it. (another function of the application gone).  I can't say that I have come across any features in the new system that I would deem as improvements.  Opening notes takes longer.  Sometimes the notes open with no content displayed. The search function is now clunky, compared to the old one. Before you could start typing in the search field and the filter started immediately.

    I am sure there was a reason or need to move to the new platform.  But trying to convince users that missing functionality is planned and not a priority with the parent company is probably not what the customer wants to hear.  What would be better is and acknowledgement of the issue and the plans and tentative time frame to correct the issue. 

  3. 7 minutes ago, bmcl26 said:

    I use Snagit for all Copying and pasting into EV. You can even Grab text from an image and paste it in as Text.

    Yes, I also use Snagit to "paste images into Evernote notes".  This works just fine.

    Snagit is probably the most useful piece of software ever as "was" Evernote.

    The issue is when you open a note you have and want to "extract" images out of Evernote notes.

    This kind of defeats the purpose of making notes to use at a later date.

    I often use one or several images out of a note.   Sometimes I click in the upper LH side of the note content and drag across text and multiple images. Hit CTRL C and then paste the content into a Teams chat window.  This is what made Evernote so useful for me.  Create notes and then use the notes as trouble shooting guides later.  This function worked flawlessly in Legacy and made Evernote a powerful tool.  Now the tool is basically broke and useless as being able to trouble shoot with info you have saved in an efficient manner.

    It is just super frustrating to build an entire toolbox full of information (which worked efficiently and flawlessly) and then be forced to upgrade to a tool that only 1/2 works now.   You can put info into a note, but you can no longer get it out of your note.  I would think that this a major issue for a ton of users.


  4. 47 minutes ago, Razmataz said:

    I might misunderstand what you wrote, but I did something similar. Exported the note as HTML. I could find the attachments in a subfolder of the top folder of the export. The were all there in separate files. Then I could do everything Windows can do (copy, paste etc) with the Explorer or another File Manager. 

    I don't know if this helps. 

    For the record - unlike some here in the Forum - I am very unhappy with these problems, too. As if they deliberately made it hard to use V10. Or never used it, themselves. 

    "They" are probably not the current team. But it is disturbing and discouraging that the current team do not address the issues or at least communicate that they will. 

    Thank you for clarifying this.

    I tried what you said and found the folder.  Yes the individual images are in there and they can individually be copied and pasted into Word.

    However, my notes are set up with text in between them, describing the images ....... so this is really not going to be a solution.

    Again,  Thank You for explaining.

    • Like 1
  5. 18 minutes ago, Razmataz said:

    Let me understand how this is different from what was written above. 

    Does it work, too, if there is text between the images?  Can you also take an additional image elsewhere in the note and add it to the selection? Can you also take one particular  image out of the selection (by, say, CTRL-clicking it)?


    Just tried this:

    Windows 10 Enterprise

    Opened a note that had several images that were captured with Snag-It and pasted into the note.

    No text before, in between or after the images.

    Used the mouse to click and drag across all of the images.  NOTE: The images flicker and get a small border around them as though they have been selected.

    CTRL C

    Open Word document.

    CTRL V

    Did not work (nothing).

    Also tried Shift dragging  ..... (nothing).


  6. - Exporting to html - nope     I need to "COPY" and "PASTE" like I always have !  I need to paste it into emails, Microsoft Teams ........

    - Basically after all of this.   It DOES NOT WORK and all the other options are weak workarounds that are not efficient an subpar to your previous version.

    - It sounds like no one at Evernote will declare this necessary or a bug.  That is too bad.

    - If things were better in the new version, we wouldn't be having this discussion and there wouldn't be so many other threads.

    - Wonder if users are increasing or decreasing...............

  7. Sorry for dragging this out, but it is really not working.

    Yes, I have closed Evernote and shut the laptop completely down.

    Fired up the laptop and reopened Evernote.

    Same issue.

    I have read several threads on this and really didn't find a thread that had a solution.

    I would expect that an issue like this, would be a priority and when resolved would be a version rev, with an announcement of the fix.



  8. When you say "I don't find it so".    Are you saying that you can right click on an image in an Evernote note (new version), ctrl c and then paste into another application like Word or Teams.   Are you also saying that you can click and drag across multiple images in a note and also copy them out and paste them into another application.

    If this is correct, I don't understand what would be the secret to this.  I am on the same PC that I ran Legacy Evernote on and never ever had an issue with it.









    Images are capture with Snagit.

    A note is created in Evernote.

    The image and or images are pasted into the Evernote note. (no issues so far).

    At a later date you want to use the images.

    Open the note from Evernote.

    ctrl a      does not work

    right click / copy    does not work

    Dragging across all of the images and hittiing ctrl c will "sometimes" grab the very last image (none of the others) and most of the time it will only grab the test you may have in between the images.

    NOTE:  The reason for wanting to do this is to copy and paste the images in word, excel and microsoft teams.

    NOTE:  The copy paste worked FLAWLESSLY in Legacy Evernote

    NOTE:  Why would I want to copy the image out of Evernote and paste it onto the desktop and then recopy them again and paste them in Teams....................

    ADDITIONAL:  The search function in Legacy would begin filtering the note list as you typed into the search field and was super fast.  Now you have to finish typing into the search field and then executing the search, which is slower and not as intuitive.


    Why would anybody want to upgrade from Legacy which was simple, easy and fast and worked........................   And now pay more annually for inferior performance.



  9. I tried the Ctrl+A and it looks like it grabs all of the images, but upon pasting them to desktop or even dragging them, you only get the very last image.

    The images were created in Snag-It (great software).  The images paste just fine into Evernote, but copying them out to paste them in an email or a chat does not work.

    Needless to say, that the upgrade from Legacy to current is a huge disappointment, plus the price increase.  The current version is sluggish and buggy.  If I could go back I would.

  10. Just updated to the current version of Evernote, from the Legacy version, because I kept getting update notices. 

    The issue:   I have a note created.  The note has multiple images in it (one below the previous ....)  In Legacy you could hold the shift key down and drag across all of the images and do a ctrl-c to copy all of them.  Then just a ctrl-v to paste them into Word, Teams or an email.  Upon upgrading, I cannot select multiple images by shift dragging across them.  Only the very last image is copied .............   I have also tried to hold the ctrl key down and drag across them with no luck.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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