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Posts posted by Newbie643

  1. (From pink elephant:Adding a row is the only function that works in iOS.

    Go to the last cell of the existing table. Now you need a keyboard with a <tab> key (soft- or hard keys).  Hit <tab>, and a new row will be added.)

    is there any way to add rows to a table on an ipad? With my windows computer l hover over a dot at the edge of a row and i can do it easily. But there are no dots when i open the same note on my ipad.  Anything i can do? I can’t carry my desktop computer with me...

  2. Me too!

    I also have the problem where if I delete a word from a table and type a new one, the font size reverts to the original (10). Any suggestions on how to fix that? Didn't see a solution on this forum

    Just found this answer from Gazumped:

    Hi.  Release notes mention that preferences will follow in due course,  but meantime there is (AFAIK) no flexibility in font choices.  What you see is what you get.

  3. On 10/10/2019 at 8:34 PM, PSi said:

    THIS! It bugs me to no end. Especially when I need to bring up notes in a hurry.


    On 10/7/2019 at 12:37 AM, bo12 said:

    Here it is May 2020 and I’m still having this problem. I often switch back-and-forth between a note I am composing and other webpages I am reading. It drives me insane to have the cursor appear at the top the note I’m working on so that I have to scroll down to the end of the note  I was working on to insert Or type new text. Can you imagine how painful this is when you are trying to switch back-and-forth between Google translate and a note in EN? To the Rulers of Evernote, please do whatever you have to do  to stop the note from closing when it’s not being worked on

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