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Matt Micheletti

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Posts posted by Matt Micheletti

  1. Hi Guys,

    Sorry for the late reply, but I appreciate the feedback and advice. I have successfully downgraded EverNote on my MacBook Air and Pro and am so much happier now. I appreciate the little insights about some of the hidden EverNote install files, but AppCleaner took care of those easily. I made copies of some settings and preferences files just in case, but other than that everything is going good. Thanks again :)



    Matt M.

  2. Hello,

    I am a relatively new Evernote user (about 1 year of actual usage) and this question (or a very similar question) may have been asked before, but I just want to be sure. Would downgrading EverNote to version 6.11.1 cause any significant issues with my Evernote account or contents? I do not use a lot of advanced EverNote features or features added/modified since 6.11.1 (as far as I am aware).

    The main reasons for my downgrading are:

    1. I am not a fan of the new single Notebook view (i.e. the single column long list).

    2. I prefer the UI of 6.11.1 versus the later versions (it feels more consistent with the interface elements (i.e. backgrounds, headers, etc.) and not like icons/etc are too small).


    These are mainly personal preferences as I do not generally have any reasons to avoid new features or bug-fixes.


    Any insights or input is appreciated.


    Please and thanks,

    Matt M.

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