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Posts posted by crimsontime

  1. On 9/29/2017 at 11:37 AM, Nicholas Vincent DiSanto said:

    I would also very much like this feature.

    As a software developer evernote is not very easy to use out of the box. i've been using evernote for almost 10 years now and some VERY SIMPLE PRO FEATURES would make it 10x better.

    i use a mac and iphone btw.

    1. i copy and paste from my terminal which has a black background and green text, but i NEVER want to paste with this formatting into my notes. NEVER NEVER NEVER. I literally never ever want to paste with the source formatting, i always want command-shift-v. Please Please Please make this a pro option in the settings so that i can use command-v and command-shift-v and neither will ever paste with formatting.

    2. related - undo doesn't always undo the last thing. if i type a comma, then forget and paste with the stupid black background green text... i hit command-z to undo and it removes my paste AND the comma. so i can't hit command-z command-shift-v to fix it ..... sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't. UNDO SHOULD ALWAYS UNDO THE LAST PASTE ONLY

    3. related - it's way way too hard to prevent evernote from changing my " ' into smart quotes which breaks my code. if i copy text from my terminal with normal quotes and paste into evernote IT IS MADNESS. it keeps the god forsaken formatting which i don't want BUT IT CHANGES MY QUOTES. now if i copy and paste back into terminal i get a syntax error.

    I agree especially with 1 and 3.  # 3 is also a huge annoyance, it's very bad for coders. I run into it all the time.  Nothing like copying out some huge terminal command only to find some quote somewhere was transformed making you have to edit it all over again to find the problem.

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