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Posts posted by _eka_

  1. Same here. I always used EN as a repository to dump knowledge and was happy to pay the Personal subscription. 

    Some time ago I decided to bite the bullet and move to Obsidian... I was having usability problems with EN, it changed a lot with time. Don't ask me I don't remember what, but was a hassle just to manage some knowledge dump.

    Then when trying to export all my notes from EN, another hassle, having to export a notebook at a time, come on! But what to do, it was the price for migrating.

    How do I do with different platforms and the data in Obsidian? I use a shared folder with my NAS, that's it.

    Import worked because Obsidian was able to import the whole folder with all the Notebook, did a test run of course.

    So here we are... no web clipper but for that I migrated to RainDrop.io, much better to keep track of things web and the interface is a beauty to work with.

    Thanks Evernote for all these years. Good Luck. 

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