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Posts posted by Banarieo

  1. On 12/19/2023 at 10:39 AM, Mike P said:

    The ability to sort by any of the fields available (not just location) was available in Legacy and has been much requested since the inception of V10. Sometimes there is no workaround for the users use case. Sometimes a creative use of the advanced search syntax will give a solution which is as good or sometimes better. In you case how about

    paleo diet -notebook:"Paleo Diet"

    to find all the notes mentioning paleo diet not in the notebook.

    Just realized I never returned to tell you how much the advanced search example has helped. It's changed my use of Evernote entirely. I had over 8k notes in my default notebook (mostly the result of newsletters being sent to my Evernote address. Searching this way made it possible to clear the notebook in a few days.

    Is there a way to define rules for notes to be moved from the default notebook to other locations? This has been in Outlook for many years, and adding the capability in Evernote would be fantastic.

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  2. 27 minutes ago, s2sailor said:

    The option is still there in the clipper settings and is called smart filing.  I just checked and mine is (surprisingly) selected.  I've always just selected the notebook that I want the clip to go to.  I'll now pay attention to see how often it is correct.

    I think the OP was referring to scanning and not clipping.  The Evernote scanner may have had something similar in the past.

    Mine is also set "on" and even after clipping 5-10 recipes it still sends to the default notebook rather than "Recipes" notebook. It appears not smart at all. :(

  3. The display of search results allows other columns to be added, such as location (why isn't this "notebook"), URL, Size, etc.

    But it is only possible to sort on Title or Created Date. Why is it not possible to sort on any of the additional columns?
    Should be easy enough to do, and would be helpful. For example: I've decided to move notes that mention "Paleo Diet" into the "Paleo Diet" folder.
    I had been placing them in my "To Read" notebook, and other notebooks, but want to consolidate them. There are already 100s of notes in the "Paleo Diet" folder,
    so the search results show the notes mixed up by "location". If I could sort on location, all of the notes already in the "Paleo Diet" folder will group together,
    and I could locate notes in other locations/notebooks very easily. As it is now, I must hunt through the entire list to find misplaced notes. Very slow.

  4. I seem to recall that once upon a time using the Clip to Evernote browser plugin, the notebook would be dynamically selected based on the content of the clip. It could be easily re-directed to another notebook, if needed. But it seems this no longer works, and it goes to the default notebook no matter the content. Would be nice to have that back.....

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