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Display Name Not Needed.

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Posts posted by Display Name Not Needed.

  1. Dear Evernote Users,

    As everybody probably can tell from their own experiences, for some reason Evernote has set it's design so that it is literally impossible to upload a profile picture. I am absolutely 100% very steadfastly certain and sure that my attempted uploaded photo meets the specific photo requirements. I have attempted this hundreds of times. Frankly, it is incredibly tiresome and annoying. It would have been easier had Evernote just straight up stated they do not allow profile photo upload anymore. Please, if everyone else can, please join me in sending separate help requests and chat requests to let Evernote know that we would really appreciate if they brought back the profile photo upload feature. Why not. It seems a genuinely decent thing to bring back to Evernote. Please add your requests, folks, so Evernote knows you wish this also.

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