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L navarro

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Posts posted by L navarro

  1. I think evernote's ability to add tasks from anywhere is game changing. It has allowed me to move my task management out of a seperate piece of software which simplified my "second brain" system. One feature that I miss from my previous task software is the ability to set start dates on a task. I will frequently create a task for later in the year or even next week that I do not intend or need to begin until closer to the due date. Personally I do not like seeing those tasks on my primary task list as it can feel overwhelming to see so many things to-do. I prefer to know that my second brain is trustworthy and will provide that task for me at the proper time. This allows me to offload that task from my brain and for me this is the magic of evernote. 

    Please consider adding a start date to tasks and recurring tasks and add the ability to hide not yet started tasks. 

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