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Posts posted by Adil_S

  1. 10 minutes ago, Don Dz said:

    I think what you are saying is that if you are looking at a list of notes tagged with #P1, and one of them has a link to a note that doesn't have that tag, the link is not followed, in other words, the filter should be disabled and just show all notes in the note list when following the link, correct? 

    If so, I noticed the same issue, it is recent, I reported it in the beta, got no comments so far.  It is simply not expected behavior, as far as I am concerned.

    Yes, thank you, this is the issue I am experiencing exactly. The notes linked within a table of contents should not have to all have the same tag in order to be able to follow those links. This does work properly only if you are not viewing the note within a note panel. 

  2. 3 hours ago, DTLow said:

    The tag filter lists all notes tagged with #P1; it does not extend to linked notes

    I see what you're saying.. it makes sense that by selecting a tag that it applies the filter globally. So I suppose I should just tag the linked-notes as #P1 as well since they do all fall within that category. Perhaps this was a subtle change that happened in one of the latest updates.

  3. 5 minutes ago, DTLow said:

    I'm not sure what you mean by "applies the #P1 tag filter automatically"

    You've already applied the #P1 filter; where does the automatic part come in

    What I mean is that the filter is applied when I select the #P1 tag but then I am not able to view the linked note within that note because the filter has been applied globally. This is an issue I didn't have before and pretty sure it started after updating to this latest version of EN. This problem is only occurring in the preview panes (which is where I primarily work), since I don't double-click my notes to open them. Hope this makes more sense. 

  4. I tried searching for this question but there were too many results for "tags & links". 

    Here's my situation... I have some notes organized by priority level with different tags (e.g. #P1,#P2, #P3). These are my top level notes which have links within them to other notes, which are not tagged. I have these tags showing in my toolbar shortcut. So when I select my #P1 tagged notebooks, open up one of these top-level notebooks, then select a linked note; Evernote applies the #P1 tag filter automatically and since the linked note is not tagged it is not being displayed. I don't remember having this problem before. I just upgraded to Evernote (308716) Public (CE Build ce-62.5.9981) so maybe something was changed in this update?

    Thanks for any feedback...


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