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Posts posted by Shadow9

  1. I really don't think that my note was corrupted (unless all of the notes were). I used to successfully cut an image and paste another one in a note regularly. The one I used as an example was only one note of several that I used to delete the image and replace it by pasting another image in its place. This was an action I was able to do in any note until the AI was applied sometime between January and when I needed to replace the image in March.

    I regularly make forms in another program and use them to print copies for distribution to others. I then take a picture of the form and put it in a note in Evernote for documentation. The sample image I used as an example was created in WordPerfect to be printed out for distribution to doctors and other medical professionals. Since it is a list of my medications, it changes frequently and I need to update it. When I do, I want my documentation in Evernote to reflect the change. The note in Evernote is a compilation of all critical information that applies to my medical history, including the form listing my medications. I don't want to update it in two places as that leaves me open for multiple errors between the files. To avoid the errors, I copy and paste the primary form. If I can't do that anymore, that means many more steps to keep a clean and updated record.

    In my world, by Evernote updating to AI a simple procedure was broken that I was using on a daily/weekly basis. I'm now retired, but when I was working as an application programmer I did the same thing when I updated the application I was working on.

  2. NOTE: I use the Web version which is kept up-to-date; my Windows version is 10.81.4 and works the same as the Web version. My OS is Windows 10 and I am an Evernote Personal Member.

    I have used this same note for several years. During that time, I deleted the image (thumbnail) and replaced it by pasting in another image.

    The last time I edited the note was in January and was able to delete the image and paste in an updated image. During that time, the image was not editable by AI. That is why I *assumed* that AI is the reason it is no longer deletable.

    I solved the problem by

         1) copying all of the current Note sans the image  to a new Note;

         2) deleting the current note;

         3) pasting the new image into the new note.

         4) since it was a shortcut, I also needed to shortcut the new note.

    So, I have been able to do a workaround, yet it was SO MUCH EASIER to just delete the image and paste it in thus replacing the old one. I do not want to edit the image, I want to delete and replace it.

    Is that a lost action? If so, has it been added to the *fix* list?

  3. The Note is "partially" included due to privacy there are only two lines of the Note. The part that is surrounded by a blue box is the image --- a clipboard copy of the form from another program. What is surrounded by the blue box has not been deletable since ai has been applied to the images. I need to be able to delete it as the information changes frequently so I can replace it with a correct copy.

    If you need further information, I will be happy to provide it.


    Screenshot 2024-03-25 195303.png

  4. I have a form that I fill out on another app and then I copy it to the clipboard and paste it into Evernote as an image. I review the form regularly and make changes. I have previously deleted the image from the Note and replaced it with the new image. Since the changes for ai, I have been unable to delete the image from the Note and replace it with the updated image.

    Please, advise me where to find instructions to delete the old image in Help and Learning or the Forum so I can again delete my image and replace it with an updated image rather than having to recreate the entire note, put in the updated image, and then delete the entire old note with the old image.

  5. As much as I love Evernote and have provided many new users, I can't continue at the increased cost. I'm a retired person and on a limited income, unable to afford the increased cost. I guess I'll just have to figure out how to go back to the free version until I can find another app that will do similar things that are not trying to get rich rather than serve their users at a reasonable price.

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