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Ivo Mota

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Posts posted by Ivo Mota

  1. 1 hour ago, Mike P said:

    I find (admittedly on Windows) that I can navigate with the keyboard. My workflow is:

    • alt+ctrl+k to open modal window
    • type in search term
    • use tab to move through the suggested notes
    • select one with the space bar
    • press enter to accept 

    I think the (non-intuitive) use of the space bar is the difference.

    This is too many "clicks" to simple select a note.
    And yes, using tab to navigate up and down and using space to select is not intuitive.
    Also, you use space to select mas is not applied, you need to click enter to apply you selection.

    On Obsidian for example (and many other apps) you just

    • type [[
    • write first letters
    • select the note with arrow keys (up /down) from the presented list
    • press enter


    So simple.

  2. Hello, I would like to have an option to add internal links or note links more quickly. Currently, I know I can use the shortcut opt + cmd + K (MacOS), but then a modal window appears where I can type, but I can't navigate with the keyboard.

    I would like to have an easier way to do it, similar to apps like Obsidian, where I can simply use [[ and it starts suggesting note titles as I type.

    The other solution is to keep it as it is but allow keyboard navigation to the note title, and when pressing Enter, apply the link note without having to click the confirm button.

  3. Is there any information why backlinks are implemented differently on iOS from the rest of the platforms?

    On Web, MacOS and Android you can see a little green icon on top os the note, but on my iPhone I can't. I need to click on the 3 dots to see if I have backlinks...

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