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black carpet

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Posts posted by black carpet

  1. 9 hours ago, GrumpyMonkey said:

    It's looking like iOS will probably be my "workaround" for the limitation.

    I am not terribly keen on the separate account (I've got four or five now?) workaround for the limitation, because my problem is that the Premium account has a 10 GB monthly upload limit, and my computer only has about 40 GB of free space left, so in a few months, I'll have to spend another 1300 to 1400 dollars to get a computer with more space, or cancel the Premium subscription (the lack of selective sync is one reason my record of Premium membership has been so uneven over the last 8 years). Using a very limited Basic account on my most powerful device (my Mac) and my Premium one on the weakest device (my iPad) is unappealing. But, we'll see what happens. The iOS app (with the exception of some rather severe bugs I recently encountered and reported) is a pretty good app that can handle uploads (send PDFs into an app on the iPad and upload from there). The question is whether I can do everything I need to do in Evernote with a combination of the Web and iOS app. Maybe. Maybe. 

    Of course, from my perspective, the existence of selective sync on the iPad but not on the Mac is a glaring gap in coverage, and a disappointing lack of parity across devices. I also think encrypted notebooks should have been developed years ago, when everyone else started moving that direction. Evernote's competitors can accomplish these two things (selective sync and encryption), so I think it is about time they get it sorted out over at headquarters. 

    But, as mentioned above, we aren't steering this ship, and we have to do the best with what we have. Evernote is a pretty amazing service, and it is worth at least considering workarounds to keep using it.

    From your recent posts on Evernote I get the impression that you are switching your academic work back to Evernote after experimenting with Devonnote and NVALT. Is this correct? It would be interesting to have an updated blog post on this. It seemed to serve you well during your earlier work. 

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