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About Pablocruz

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  1. I haven't used Notion, but I use OneNote for work and it's terrible. You can't share individual notes but have to share whole notebooks. And it's Microsoft, so it's burdened with all sorts of bad usability. Sharing is not my main use for Evernote. When I need to share something, I use Google Docs. That said, Evernote tech support might be able to figure out this problem. They weren't able to figure out mine, but yours is apt to be different.
  2. CONFIRMED: The note sharing feature is extremely buggy and only works for some people. Evernote tech team does not know why this happens and they have no solution to fix it. Our workaround is to use Google Docs whenever we want to share a note.
  3. Update After going back and forth with Evernote tech support for nearly a month, they are still trying to fix the problem. However, my conclusion is that note sharing is a very buggy feature that, for unknowable reasons, will not work between mine and my wife's accounts. If this ever gets resolved differently, I will post an update.
  4. I'm going back and forth with tech support. So far we've discovered that, while I can't share with my wife, she can share with me. Once she shares with me, the notes sync back and forth as expected. If we can't find a solution to me not being able to share with her, this could be the workaround: start all shared notes from her account. I'll post the solution once we find one.
  5. Thanks for working with me on this. In my case, I've tried sharing both a note and a notebook. (The shared note is in the shared notebook.) It doesn't work in either case.
  6. Here's the exact process: I share a note by hitting Share in the top right. I put my wife's email in and give her access to edit and invite My wife receives an email containing the name of the shared note and a button that says View in Evernote. My wife clicks either the name of the shared note or the button. Either one leads to the same place: the Evernote web application. From here, my wife chooses "Continue with desktop app" because she can't use the browser version. When the desktop app appears, there are only her personal notes, but not the shared one.
  7. Thanks. I found it. It's not in the desktop app but only in the browser or mobile apps. Unfortunately, turning on Work Chat on both of our profiles didn't enable us to share.
  8. I've never used WorkChat and apparently the latest Evernote doesn't have it. I'm on 10,33.4. According to the link below, Workchat should appear in the navigation menu, but it doesn't. https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/208313288-Use-Work-Chat-to-send-messages
  9. I shared by email address. She clicked "continue with desktop app." As a Basic subscriber, she can only have the app on desktop and mobile but not a 3rd way (browser).
  10. I've been using Evernote for well over a decade. I've finally convinced my wife to use it so we can organize better. I set her up with a Basic account on her Mac (desktop application) and phone (iOS). I have never really used the sharing feature. But it seems straightforward. So I shared a note with her. She received the email, followed the link to the app, approved the sharing. But nothing appeared in her list of notes. Nothing under Shared With Me. So then I created a notebook and shared that with her, and put the shared note in the shared notebook. Again, she received the email, followed it to the app, approved the share, and...nothing. What am I missing?
  11. Unfortunately, none. I am forced to use OneNote at work and I'm here to report that it's hideous. It's as if the last 15 years of user experience improvements never happened at Microsoft. I'm afraid, even with Evernote's disastrous v10 requiring you to add a tag in order to edit a note, it's still a better experience than the competition on orders of magnitude.
  12. All of a sudden, a bunch of my notes appear in the iOS app as Read-Only. In those cases, I have to duplicate the note, which I can then edit. From looking at the ones that are locked, I can't see any notable similarities. And I certainly didn't lock them. I tried deleting the Evernote app and re-installing it. That didn't make any difference.
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