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About dngvt

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  1. This forum doesn't like the word "*****" so I'll change it to "Mean spiritedly antagonize their soon to be ex-customers"
  2. I didn't invent their business model, they did. They chose to offer a free model that was viable for limited use customers like me. To pull that option without any notice is shameful and shows a lack of class. I would have happily continued to use their service, as flawed as it is, if they offered a "free with ads" approach like so many other app developers. But no, they just decided to ***** the users who did use their service as they offered it. ***** them.
  3. The decision to limit the number of notes was strike one. The continued escalation in the requested pricing plans to keep an account without limits is strike 2. Now, my inability to sync my laptop and my phone without any notice or warning renders the app completely useless and is strike 3. They have lost my business (as soon as I can get my notes moved off to another platform) and more important, they have lost my respect and my trust and will never look back. Bye Bye Evernote.
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