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Posts posted by raojenkins

  1. Thanks for the fix of "Create a new note with the correct picture(s) copy the old note content across.  Delete old not with wrong pictures.  Easy." 

    Sounds great and works great -- just so it's recorded here in case developers ever take a look,

    1 - NOT necessarily "easy" when you have many Evernote notes linked to each other -- deleting the note means that I have to redo links in any notes I've manually linked it to. 

    2 - I forward a LOT of emails to Evernote. When I can remember to delete any / all images I wouldn't want as thumbnails, then I get the thumbnail I want in Evernote proper. But to do that in dozens of emails every day is tiresome and pointless. Would be sooooo much easier to be able to choose thumbnail. Eventually! :)

    • Like 1
  2. Similar issue; running only local desktop on MACBOOK AIR, M1 CHIP, bought 2021-08, running latest Mac OS (Ventura 13.5). It's when I have a search term active. 

    1. first attempt to search on term usually does nothing now; this is only since the past day or 2. 

    2. hit "search" again on term or phrase (not within notebook as that brings up the "you no longer have access to this notebook" problem. Serves up list of notes with search string in it.

    But when scrolling the list, I'm constantly reset to top of list, which when there are more than 5 or 6 items in the notes served from search, renders it impossible to look at them. Taking out the search term seems to let me view / edit notes without the constant reset. 

    Seems like last few months I've experienced more problems with Evernote (paid Evernote Professional) than I had in the entire time 2012 to a few months ago. Is it just me, or is Evernote having more and more issues with just basic functionality?

  3. On 7/26/2023 at 5:28 PM, agsteele said:

    There is a bug in v10 59.5 which is affecting some users. I haven't seen it but I think that searching in an individual notebook can produce the error. Instead search on all notes and see if that works.

    Alternatively others are reporting that they have rolled back the software to the previous version.

    thanks - having same issue.


  4. On 5/23/2023 at 1:21 PM, RMorgan said:

    I would not recommend using older client versions.  RTE is a huge change with changes on both client and server.  I only posted that version because it is before the shutdown handler was added which was causing the user to completely not be able to run.  There might still be some compatibilty issues.  It is always better to stay on the latest.

    Howdy. Nice to see staff here. Any update on when this not-keeping-changes issue will be fixed? In 11 years as paid user I've never had this issue before. it renders the app essentially less than useless. since I can't trust that any change I make to any note will actually *stay." No "Ever" in Evernote.

    • Like 2
  5. On 5/21/2023 at 11:26 PM, CHQ said:

    I'm facing the same problem too. This was all after the latest launch of RTE. Lost several notes 2weeks ago and was careful not to pop up the note in a new window thereafter so that there is no "multiple me" working on the same note. Just purely typing on the first note > move to a second note > type on the second note > move back to the first note > viola! content on the first note that were typed few minutes ago were all gone.

    Reported to Evernote 2weeks ago but have not had any resolution since. Only an email response saying they are seeing more ticket volume than usual and have escalated my case to their technical support team. 

    Super frustrated. Been an Evernote user for >10yrs and a paid subscriber. Appreciate if anyone can crowd source possible solutions or workarounds, else not being an Evernote user is the only option left.

    Same. Submitted ticket 2023-05-30 and nothing. Also, help page (https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us) now has this message: ""We apologize for the inconvenience, but chat support is currently unavailable due to the high volume of support requests. Please feel free to submit an email ticket or reach out at discussion.evernote.com. Thank you for understanding."

    Red is Evernote's. And the link doesn't work. Seems like RTE has broken the "Ever" part of Evernote, rendering it less than useless.

    • Like 1
  6. adding after reading some more in this forum (these additions not in my help ticket request, copy of which posted above) 

    - no Tasks in any notes - I don't use them

    - not alternating devices -- do 100% of editing on desktop; use iPhone (11) to view notes but not edit them

    - web and desktop notes - did address in help ticket request: while I'll occasionally edit a note in Evernote web, I add manually, inline, date and time of edit and wait until I see that timestamp on desktop render, then close web version, before making additional edits.

    Thanks - helpful thread and It's reassuring to know not only one struggling with this issue.

    • Like 1
  7. Same issue. Here's the help ticket request I just submitted: 

    Am writing this help ticket request for the 2nd time (this time in local desktop text editor, as I was nearly done and about to punch "Submit ticket" when Evernote reset and apparently lost my entire note.
    MacBook Air M1 chip 2020, running Mac OS Ventura latest version (Mac OS Ventura 13.4 (22F66).
    Synch issue.
    Evernote for several days now has frequently reverted edited notes to an earlier version, losing substantial edits. Or it appears to attempt to "fix" a synch issue by merging several iterations of edits into one passage, rendering the note / passage unreadable and unusable.
    When I notice this issue, I can sometimes (but not always) get most of the edits back by restoring an "earlier" note from Note History by looking at timestamps.
    1) I don't have time or capacity to reread every note I edit every day (sometimes hundreds) to see if my edits "took."
    2) I work on desktop, always, for what I thought was stability. Occasionally, when its faster to access a note through an internal link, I will check or start a note on web and then verify it saved on desktop. But I have had enough experience with synch issues from running web and local simultaneously that I know not to work on the same note in both places. And I add my own inline time and date stamps to such notes so I can verify on desktop that I'm in latest note before I make changes locally.
    3) This glitch, which I've never experienced before in 11 years of paid Evernote use (paid user since 2012) is a dealbreaker. I'm not paying for "SometimesNote."
    What is causing this error?
    When will it be fixed?
    Are my local notes actually saved locally on my desktop, or are they only in the Evernote cloud? Separate issue: when we were without power or internet for a week in February, many attachments and notes that had been (I thought) *on* my computer for years. notes I made 2 or more years ago, either would not load at all, or would not load the attachments until I had internet. Again, defeats the purpose.
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  8. On 5/27/2023 at 5:37 PM, Dave-in-Decatur said:

    Please note that you've added this to a year-old thread that is about a problem in the Web client supposedly caused by an update to it back then. Lots has changed, and changed very recently; and you're experiencing the issue in the desktop app. Please take a look at this thread where others (including me) are reporting this about the Windows app, which should make for a more coherent discussion:


    thanks Dave-in-Decatur - new to this forum and still figuring it out. Will do. Have also submitted a help ticket.

    • Like 1
  9. On 5/27/2023 at 3:50 PM, PinkElephant said:

    ´cause it give you access to support, which I would use in your case.

    No idea what might have happened, just that a) it hasn’t happened to me (yet ?) and b) there is a number of similar forum postings. Usually that‘s a clear sign that something is amiss in general, not only on an individual basis.

    Which again means that the more support tickets they receive, preferably from the device where the problem occurred and briefly after it happened, and with an activity log attached to the ticket, the better they can analyze what’s going on, and take countermeasures.

    thanks - helpful -- good to know there are similar forum postings. Will submit a ticket, as it's still happening.

  10. 2023-05-30 - MacBook Air 2020, M1 chip, latest Ventura OS.


    With or without "synching temporarily paused" warning, Evernote is losing edits and or reverting to earlier notes.

    Sometimes the edited notes are retrievable from the note history -- but having to read each note to see if edits I made days ago -- e.g., to a table where I track our finances -- defeats the purpose of Evernote. And I have neither the time nor the will to read back through every note I edit every day to check if the edits "took."

    Been a paid user since 2012 and have not had this issue before. It's a dealbreaker -- "maybe sometimes"-note isn't what I signed up for. 

    Any thoughts on what's causing it and when will it be fixed?

  11. Would prefer AI button on far right of toolbar; currently my dropdown for formatting is far-too-often invisible because the AI beta button takes up too much room in toolbar. 

    Bug? Also, about the same time "AI cleanup" appeared, I started losing random chunks -- big chunks -- of edits to some notes (usually new notes), for no reason. Working on DESKTOP, not in cloud. Maybe correlation, not causation, but it is enraging, as it means I can't trust anything I type to Evernote to STAY in Evernote, thus defeating whole purpose of app and negating the "Ever." Please fix.

    I have used AI Note cleanup exactly once, by accident. No way to tell up front that AI is doing just the one note. No way to tell what was changed. In my case, it flattened a hierarchy I had carefully formatted into a 1-level bullet list. Immediately undid. With no way to tell what was changed, is unlikely I will ever use.

    Evernote Professional for desktop, MacBook Air 2020, M1 chip, latest version of Mac OS Ventura.

  12. 14 hours ago, PinkElephant said:

    In other cases removing the EN install from the desktop, restarting and downloading a fresh copy of the software did the job. Obviously something was broken with the local database or settings.On a Mac use the app AppCleaner to really remove all program parts and data.

    Sometimes logging out of the app, restart it and log back in was sufficient.

    Thank you -- that did fix the issue.

    • Like 2
  13. 15 hours ago, Paul A. said:

    What version of the client are you using? Is it 10.54.4? There is a newer version on the Evernote website (10.55.1). If you're experiencing the same issue as the OP, I wonder if this new version might include a fix?

    However, as a paid user, my first step would be to contact support and see what they suggest. Mostly user  to user communication in this forum.

    Thanks -- latest version of Evernote. I *did* contact support, thanks to the recommendations on this forum, and the fix was 

    "In an attempt to fix the issue, please reinstall the desktop app. To reinstall Evernote for Mac, follow these steps:
    1. If Evernote is running, press **Command + Q** to quit the Evernote app
    2. Open the Applications folder and drag Evernote to the Trash
    3. Right-click (or **Ctrl + Click**) on the Trash and select **Empty Trash**
    4. Restart your computer
    5. Download and install Evernote for Mac from
    6. Drag the Evernote icon into your Applications folder
    7. Open Evernote and log in to your Evernote account"
    That did the trick.I know, seems obvious, but Evernote troubleshooting not my particular expertise!
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  14. Paid premium user here - desktop gave me sane error message just now “problem on our end,” please restart Evernote

    Now desktop “can’t reach server,” — yes am connected to internet, Google Fiber wifi.

    browser Evernote working fine & everything there seems synched fine. 

    tried restarting — MacBook Air M1 chip running latest Monterey (can’t get Ventura to download, but that’s an ongoing Apple issue).

    sorry terse - typing on tiny iPhone keyboard

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