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Posts posted by drrrumzzz

  1. As a simple user, I tried to take a closer look at this local hyperlink issue that is annoying me since January. 

    The way accents in local path names are encoded when processed with CTRL+K in Evernote seems indeed to have changed. What I see however (or furthermore) is that the way SPACES  of local path names are encoded when processed with CTRL+K, has changed, too since version 6.17 (or even 6.16).

    Example :  regular file path "S:\AAA Ever Note.doc"
    >>>> old encoding:   "file:///S:/AAA%20Ever%20Note.doc."     (space = 
    >>>> new encoding:       "file:///S:/AAA%2520Ever%2520Note.doc." (space = %2520)

    Perhaps like some of you, I am working with thousands (!) of EN-hyperlinks to local files and folders. Changing them one by one would not only be a wearing and tedious thing, but above all, one doesn't know if new changes ot this kind will be coming soon. 

    I've reported the issue in January 2019 and now communicated the above mentioned surely trivial  "finding" to EN support, seeking for advice in general terms, and more specifically asking...

    - if older versions of EN (like 6.15 I'm still using) will stay functional and supported (also from a security point of view) for some time?,

    - if there is a way or a workaround to bulk change ALL the hyperlinks in EN at once....

    ......questions that I'm humbly submitting likewise to you, dear Companions of Misfortune, begging pardon for amateurish language, reduandancy or even out-of-topicism.^^^

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  2. As a simple user, I tried to take a closer look at this local hyperlink issue that is annoying me since January. 

    The way accents in local path names are encoded when processed with CTRL+K in Evernote seems to have changed. What I see however (or furthermore) is that the way  SPACES  of local path names are encoded when processed with CTRL+K, has changed since version 6.17 (or even 6.16).

    Example :  regular file path "S:\AAA Ever Note.doc"
    >>>> old encoding:   "file:///S:/AAA%20Ever%20Note.doc."     (space = %2520)
    >>>> new encoding:       "file:///S:/AAA%2520Ever%2520Note.doc." (space = %2520)

    Perhaps like some of you, I am working with thousands (!) of EN-hyperlinks to local files and folders. Changing them one by one would not only  be a wearing and tedious thing, but above all, one doesn't know if new changes ot this kind will be coming soon. 

    I reported the issue in January 2019 and just communicated the above mentioned surely trivial  "finding" to the helpdesk, seeking for advice in general terms, and more specificely asking...

    - if older versions of EN (like 6.15 I'm still using) will stay functional and supported (also from a security point of view) for some time?,

    - if there is a way or a workaround to bulk change ALL the hyperlinks in EN at once....

    ......questions that I'm humbly submitting to you, dear Companions of Misfortune, begging pardon for amateurish language, reduandancy or even out-of-topicism.^^^



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