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Posts posted by ezdizzy

  1. Got a nice little notification from Evernote today that I (on the free versino) only get 50 notes.  It did not state whether that was 50 notes total or 50 notes per month (it used to be notes per month, but there's no way I've created 50 notes over the last 4 weeks, and given how terribly desperate Evernote is to get everyone paying, I can see them switching this to '50 notes total'). 

    Can anyone here clarify? 

  2. Can you please stop lying about "not being able to get this offer back"??  Please?!??!?!?!?  It's honestly insulting at this point in time.  I've been seeing a version of this exact pop-up ad FOR YEARS.  I get why you continue to feed it to me, as annoying as it is, but just stop lying to me about not being able to get the offer.  Seriously.  Stop it.  YOU ARE LYING.  


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