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Posts posted by Chrispolotic

  1. Thanks for the quick reply. If that is indeed true, that is a shame. I was really looking forward to that being implemented after the new owners took over. I like to test other note apps. Nimbus, Notesnook,  Amplenote, and Upnote all offer this. All four of these companies combined is smaller than Evernotes development team. 

  2. On 12/27/2022 at 8:37 PM, rbbcpa said:

    I didn’t feel the need to lead with the aforementioned detail because I didn’t realize a forum troll would pounce on my post, and spew nonsense with “authority”.  And, yes, Evernote’s rollout of their subscription model in March, and this month’s pricing increase on legacy plans completely disregards the loyalty of the very user base that vaulted Evernote to prominence.  Likewise, I predict this dismissive approach to customer service will mark the beginning of the end for Evernote.  That, coupled with the acquisition of Evernote by Bending Spoons (i.e., Evernote will be cannibalized and diluted by other Bending Spoons mobile apps) will create an opening to other innovators to fill this void.  At the end of the day, as an Evernote power-user, I cannot justify continuing to pay $65/yr. for an app that simply doesn’t provide equivalent utility to me.  

     It's always like this. Some of these people worship at the Altar of Evernote. If you even remotely criticize the app, they get offended. Don't get me wrong. Evernote is still the best app that I have found. BUT, times are changing. Evernote is hemorrhaging users. The competition is quickly catching up. If Bending Spoons doesn't turn it around quickly, it will go the way of the Dodo bird. 

  3. On 8/15/2022 at 4:32 PM, Fgsf said:

    Imo, Evernote needs to incorporate handwriting to text natively similar to OneNote. There is no reason Evernote still hasn't done this years later.

    Also, the latency lag in using digital stylus needs to be improved. It's very noticeable.

    Lastly, unrelated, but reminders in tasks should also have a custom time option too, not just the 4 it does now. Maybe you want a reminder 10, 15, 30 minutes before.

    I would have to agree with you. Evernote is hemorrhaging subscribers by the Millions. This is evidenced by the fact that there are tens of millions if not Hundreds of millions of people on competing apps. Those could have been Evernote customers. Just b/c you said Evernote needs to implement a feature is no call for sarcasm from other people on this forum. This forum reminds me a lot how the old BlackBerry forum used to be, some 10-12 years ago.. People would complain, rightfully so, that BlackBerry had obvious shortcomings. The Blackberry "regulars" would be so condescending and sarcastic, to legitimate complaints. Note Apps, like all apps should COMPETE with one another. They should do this by offering at the bare minimum, similar functionality. BlackBerry was on top of the world at one point. They refused to evolve. I see Evernote going down the same path. 

  4. I tried a lot of apps this morning. The only one I could get to scan almost hands free was Adobe scan. It was a little slow but I didn't have to keep hitting the camera button each time. I also tried your suggestion of using Microsoft Office Lens. It's a good quality scanner, but again I found it to be a little slower than Adobe. I'll keep trying out apps until I find one that suits my needs. 

  5. Yes, I agree. When I switched from an iPhone 13 Pro Max to a Galaxy s22 Ultra, I soon discovered that Scannable wasn't available. There are free apps on the Play Store to replace it. Most, if not all of the apps I tried are freemium apps. You get constant reminders to upgrade the apps. A lot of the apps that I tried wanted me to sign up for a monthly subscription. That's a little too much to ask IMHO. I did try Adobe PDF scanner. It too had adds, and also isn't free without adds. My problem with it is it had a lot of trouble actually scanning documents. It was very slow when it came to scanning. Like Pink Elephant said, there is Microsoft Lens. I'm not sure if it's Freemium app or not, but I'm sure it is.  I'm going to go with the Google Drive scanner for now, even though I haven't really tried it. But at least it's free, since I already have a Paid Google account. 

  6. I see this thread is a couple of years old, but I wanted to put in my 2 cents worth. I used to use CamScanner for years but found out they are based in China. I just don't trust that anymore, as I have passwords and other sensitive data like medical records, SS numbers, etc. I tried Adobe Scan but it was Way too slow. I looked into Clear Scan. It worked ok, but again, a Chinese company. I have a Galaxy s22 Ultra. Does anyone know of an Android app that Isn't made in China that scans quickly? Thanks 

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