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Posts posted by alex.nn

  1. 9 hours ago, Dave Green said:

    What happens if you confirm cookies from captured page? Long shot but worth trying.   It seems like it is (some part of) Evernote reaching into Instagram given the reference to Meta. 

    Funny enough, there's no way to confirm cookies in the captured clipping. There's just that text about Meta's cookies (the only hyperlink is to "Learn more" about their cookie policy). I'm guessing in an actual browser window there's some button for that but EN doesn't capture it.

  2. 2 hours ago, Dave Green said:

    That's it. Now you have a new menu option for PDF to Evernote.


    Thanks for that! It will come in useful!

    Going back to the original issue though, i hope someone has a fix for the cookie issue when clipping from mobile. Seems like the quickest and easiest way but made completely unusable by that problem. Maybe if there's a way to open/display instagram content through Evernote in order to allow cookies, then it wouldn't need this permission again when clipping content.. 

  3. 10 hours ago, s2sailor said:

    Share is the only way I’m aware of from the iPhone.  From the share menu, instead try print to see what it looks like there.  If it shows what you want, then share from the print menu into Evernote. It should send a pdf document, of what was shown in the print dialog, to Evernote.

    I might be a dummy but i can't see a Print option anywhere. 

    iOS > Instagram feed post > Share icon > choosing Share to... > here i have options to copy, add to reading list or share to several apps but no print option that i can see. 

    I've tried this on the desktop browser, knowing how to Print to PDF from there, but here i don't know how to directly save it to Evernote (?), unless i save the PDF to the HDD and then import it into Evernote.  

  4. Hi all! Whenever i try to save an Instagram post to Evernote (iOS > Instagram app > clicking Share > Evernote), on my phone it looks like the process is successful but when i open Evernote i see that what it clipped was actually a cookie page, and there seems to be no way of approving cookies to allow Evernote to import the actual content of the post. 

    Has anyone else encountered this problem?

    Also, if there's another easier way of saving/importing certain posts from Instagram into Evernote, do tell! :)




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