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Posts posted by Really_But_Why

  1. On 2015/12/24 at 2:47 PM, jgiordano said:

    Disdain? you've missed the point completely. From the beginning most of the posters here wanted nothing more than to use the best quality app for note taking on linux. The moderators/gurus of the board have repeatedly expressed the fact that Evernote has no plans to build an evernote client. Most of the the posts have been extremely dismissive and quite frankly obnoxious to those trying to drum up support for their cause. It's been pointed out that it's just not in their strategy... WE, the linux advocates feel Evernote lost it's way and choose to share an opinion. It's been pointed out that Linux will NEVER be in their strategy (Which is weird unless you are an employee, board member or making things up). 

    So what's their strategy, making gray and green backpacks or desk chotckies? Crappy food apps that take pictures of your food? The article references a tumultuous year for Evernote. I want them to succeed more than anything and in order to do that they should listen to a decent sized customer base that they've been ignoring. You can argue that they've "Done their due diligence, and the market isn't there". Ultimately, their due diligence has caused problems of late. 

    Lastly, I point out that Microsoft is fully embracing linux and porting it's .net runtime and development platform to it. I'm sure they've done their due diligence and have a much better strategy laid out than Evernote based on their current state. 

    The sarcastic LOL in my post was based on the fact that you've repeatedly expressed your negative opinions in this thread where it wasn't even warranted. When rightfully so people pointed out evernotes current "issues" you sugar coated it and tried to make it seem normal to meet your dismissive agenda. Fact of the matter is they are in trouble and unless you want to use Google Keep or Onenote, it may be in your interest to advocate for a quality linux client. 

    B) Nailed it


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