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Posts posted by timva

  1. Maybe someone can use this or make something for them.

    (I used this and it worked for me. I don't maintain this code or support it. It might not even be the latest version I had. I just found it and share it.)

    You can compile it yourself using Microsoft Visual Studio.

    Source code is here: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/bay7wcth8j52rc4/AAAspDZ6sYPg0wkO_yjVIz2za?dl=0

    To register the esh:// protocol,

    Put the executable (found in release\\bin) in c:\\EvernoteSearchHandler

    Create a .REG file with this content (and then execute it):

    Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

    @="URL:ESH Protocol"
    "URL Protocol"=""



    @="\"C:\\EvernoteSearchHandler\\EvernoteSearchHandler.exe\" \" %1\""

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    I have a link "supplier contacts", when I click it, Evernote searches for "tag:contact tag:supplier" and the first result is shown. I normally have the list view, but have hidden it for privacy reasons.

    You can see, after the click, the tags are filled in automatically in the searchbox.

    It also allows me to visually organize everything. I have ~1300 tagged recipes. I can now make a nice overview and when I click on "soup", I get a full list of all soup recipes. Ain't that cool. It would be even cooler if Evernote would integrate this. This is 1 hour of work for them.




    Next, I'll try to add a sorting option, so you can specify the sorting column to be used in the notes' listview.

    Evernote needs to step up on it's new features, or some competitor will take over their market share.

  3. I made a solution myself. I'll post it online when it's a finished product for anyone that is interested.

    A demo (movie): http://goo.gl/rwLpAJ 

    I can now create a link (via an URL procol) in the format esh://tag=tag1 tag=tag2 searchtext/

    When you click it (see video), everything after esh:// is put in the evernote searchbox.

    You can to replace double points by equal signs in my formatting, otherwise the link breaks, they can't handle multiple :

    I'm happy :-) I can now link to a "search result".

  4. This request should be multi platform, but I use Windows.

    The problem is: I use 2 notebooks. One for "inbox" and the other is "processed". I do this because Evernote enforces a 250 notebook limit, which is not enough for me. I use Evernote for *everything*.

    This means I have a lot of notes that belong to a list, for example: notes with my goals, my values, my projects, calendar events, just all kind of notes that are tied to each other by the tags.

    I already have a long list of "shortcuts" that are saved searches. This helps, but because there is no way to make groups or levels in the shortcuts, the list gets too long to function properly.

    The ideal work flow situation would be something like this:

    You have a note about 1 big topic, inside are links to notes relevant to this topic. You could make all these links manually, but that's not progress! So: you should be able to have a link that automatically searches in evernote. Something like: evernote://search/mytag+anothertag. If you click on this link, the search is used and voila, you have everything you search for!

    You could organize your contacts this way. One note "contacts" and then you can link to "customers", "future clients", "suppliers", and so on. You can't put this in the "shortcuts", because you'll end up with hundreds of shortcuts.

    Couldn't you just type in the tag you want to search for? Yes offcourse, but the whole idea of Evernote is to let Evernote remember the stuff, not me. Links = easy, typing = remembering the tags, formats, not easy


    So, I went ahead and made a program to do this. I called it "EvernoteSearchHandler". It's essentially a URL protocol handler tool. In the old days, you could use irc://server/room to open your favorite IRC program via a link. This works the same way. You can create a link: esh://tag1 tag2/ and when clicked, my EvernoteSearchHandler starts up (invisible), and puts "tag1 tag2" in the search textfield and "presses" ENTER.

    I wrote this in C# and it is 7 lines long... I can only imagine how fast Evernote developers could replicate this and put it in their program.


    Well... not really. For some reason, Evernote breaks the links. Sometimes they stay "links", sometimes -after being clicked on- the link is removed and it is regular text again. Sometimes a copy and paste resolves it, sometimes the first doesn't work, but the second link in a note does. Either way: Evernote apparently doesn't like custom protocol handlers.

    I also though of writing a webserver, so you could link to a regular http link, like: http://localhost/tag1 tag2/ This also works, but an internet page is opened each time you click. So not good again.

    I ended up with a shortcut or a batch file (not my idea, found it on the internet) to open ENScript.exe. This works, but that shouldn't be how to do this properly!


    So: dear Evernote developers, could you please implement this feature, a simple evernote://search/mytags handler is all we need. This shouldn't take more than 1 hour for a full implementation with full testing. I suspect that one time this was planned, since there is already a evernote://view/ option in the evernote url protocol handler.

    And other people would like this too!


    Evernote is great in syncing, caching images locally, etc. But It lacks some basic features that could make it way better. Some other ideas:

    - have an option to save the sorting per view (saved search or notebook). We're 2016, Win98 (maybe Win95?) could remember it's sorting per folder.

    - have the ability to create custom columns (meta-data), so I can use the note list view properly. Now I have all sort of ways to get around this problem: I use the title in format:

    prioritynumber. expected-result : current action : whos-taking-action dueto

    That's also not the way I want to work in 2016... Implement custom columns (text, int, date) and allow sorting on them.


    Like I said: Evernote is nice and syncs great and a good place to store information, but at the moment, it is not meant to improve your performance, it slows you down due to the lack of basic features.

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