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Posts posted by kn04

  1. On 6/6/2015 at 9:20 PM, gazumped said:


    Hi.  If someone else has your laptop and your login,  you gave away your privacy already.  Laptops have privacy built in,  in different user accounts.  Evernote has security controls already in its user name and password login.  If you're handing over your laptop,  create a guest account so someone else can log in without using your software - and log out of Evernote so no-one has access.  (Although if someone has your computer and a little computer knowledge they can still access your notes...  and your work IT will have no problem at all.)

    responding to this post. You approach isn't very practical for personal use. There are often multiple people in a household and you may not mind sharing everything else on your laptop. If you think evernote has a limited use case and client set, then it's a whole different argument, but I don't think this makes sense either from a practical stand point.

    I think the benefits of adding a feature like this largely outweighs the cost.

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