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Posts posted by Mikibits


    It would only take one feature to keep me from being discontented with Evernote, despite how invested I've become in it: Something as simple as being able to reorganize notes manually without having to dink around with titles would halt my searching for alternatives in a second. 


    I was this close to installing OneNote recently, to see if they were more forward thinking in that area . . . until I got an itch to look at their Privacy Policy. Have you all looked at that thing? 


    Where most notetaking apps seem to be saying "we don't nose around in your content unless you're on the wrong side of the law," OneNote's goes on an on about how it will save whatever it damn well pleases for marketing or whatever it wants to do with it, so there. The wording really got my goat (and I don't even have a goat).


    I stopped the OneNote installer right there and swore off Microsoft and its band of merry lawyers. Again.


    My understanding is that the encryption is zero-knowledge and easily done for OneNote, so you might not find that you have much to worry about after all. I wouldn't put anything sensitive on anyone else's servers unless it was encrypted.


    Good point . . . that's something I wasn't aware of. I'm wondering why Evernote skipped over that feature.


    My apologies for going a little off-topic, by the way.


    I was this close to installing OneNote recently, to see if they were more forward thinking in that area . . . until I got an itch to look at their Privacy Policy. Have you all looked at that thing? 


    Where most notetaking apps seem to be saying "we don't nose around in your content unless you're on the wrong side of the law," OneNote's goes on an on about how it will save whatever it damn well pleases for marketing or whatever it wants to do with it, so there. The wording really got my goat (and I don't even have a goat).


    Hi.  thanks for sharing.  Could you please post a link to the document you are referring to?


    I found this one:

    Privacy Statement for OneNote


    But I didn't find any of the issues you mentioned in it.  Maybe I missed them?



    Hmmm, that's interesting ...  That Privacy Statement is significantly different (and more reasonable) than the one I'm seeing, which I'm trying to figure out how to link . . . It's the one you get to from the "Create an Account" dialog for new users to One Note, just after you install it (which I just did again on my iPad, just to look).


    It's an arduous read, as always, but it distinctly mentions everything from collecting email addresses, interests, favorites, browser navigation, GPS data, current location information, IP addresses, contacts, relationships, pets, small children (just kidding) ... to data content and even your picture if you enter one of their stores (not kidding). Perhaps it's the level of detail they go into which makes me nervous.


    I finally located "opt out" verbiage much further down, but the sheer volume of what they claim is "collectable information" and the description of how they feel empowered to use it in their marketing strategies left a bitter taste in my gullet. When they further mention that many of their browsing products (in this same document) don't respond to DNT (do not track) requests, because they haven't decided how to deal with those yet (an industry standard now, I think), I'm like really??


    Perhaps I've become allergic to prolific lawyerese--or the Micro$oft attitude ...  but EN, Scrivener and most other applications I've installed didn't give me the same, uhm, "feeling." Your mileage may vary.


    And now I find it odd that they have two very different Privacy Policies for the same product. js~

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  3. It would only take one feature to keep me from being discontented with Evernote, despite how invested I've become in it: Something as simple as being able to reorganize notes manually without having to dink around with titles would halt my searching for alternatives in a second. 


    I was this close to installing OneNote recently, to see if they were more forward thinking in that area . . . until I got an itch to look at their Privacy Policy. Have you all looked at that thing? 


    Where most notetaking apps seem to be saying "we don't nose around in your content unless you're on the wrong side of the law," OneNote's goes on an on about how it will save whatever it damn well pleases for marketing or whatever it wants to do with it, so there. The wording really got my goat (and I don't even have a goat).


    I stopped the OneNote installer right there and swore off Microsoft and its band of merry lawyers. Again.

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