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Posts posted by Dragonbite

  1. Evernote isn't interested in a Linux version, so don't hold your breath for a native Linux version.

    Part of the problem is that there is no competition in the Linux market.  If Microsoft announced an official Linux version of OneNote you'd be sure to see an about-face and Evernote would at least take Linux under consideration.  And there are no note applications for Linux that has any draw upon Windows and Mac users.  

    Best bet may be if Google came in with a note-taking application (other than Docs) because you know that it would work in the web, which means it would work for all platforms and a local client would probably be open enough to let open source projects tap into it.

    As usual, it is the Linux community that tries to come to the rescue and a few have been mentioned in this thread. 

    • NixNote2
    • Quentier (it's not bad, but a little unstable... like me! ;) )
    • Tusk Evernote Client (a Snap app)

    I wish somebody could turn around the Mac version and make it into a Snap or Flatpak to run on Linux.

    Some things that could change the situation could be from

    • Snap, Flatpak and AppImage containers (be great if someone could take the Mac version, switch components to work in Linux and containerize it)
    • Growing use of PWA (Progressive Web Apps) which are like Electron apps (web apps in their own window, with notification and other integration with the system).  While the growth will be on Windows and other systems, it "may" mean the web version gets an improvement.
    • Growth of Chromebooks may push the web interface version.
    • Work being done to run Android Apps on Linux (not emulator or VM, full-speed) could mean the Android version comes available to Linux

    But the bottom line is, for now, it is too much work for them to offer to a "too small" market, and until Microsoft or Google legitimizes the market by coming out with their own Linux version as a competitor, Evernote isn't going to spend any money or time on it.

    Could they? Yes.

    Will they? No.

  2. Funny thing is that this round-and-round is also self-perpetuating.

    Evernote does not see enough people using Linux being interested
    in using Evernote, let alone pay for their product so they don't want
    to spend the resources to develop for that platform.


    Linux users doesn't see Evernote being friendly to their platform and
    so the vast majority will simply stay away and find other solutions (life's
    too short) and who is going to pay for something that doesn't work on
    their systems?

    We can argue back-and-forth until our faces are blue.  Linux isn't going to kill Evernote, and Evernote isn't going to kill Linux.  What is more indicative is how they manage "other platforms" reflects how they will handle changes in the overall environment.  Are they a leader or a follower?

    Dell has taken a gamble of sorts on Linux on the desktop and it seems to be doing pretty well for them. While Microsoft Windows isn't going to go away anytime soon, it is loosing marketshare and the rising starts are Linux based (Android, ChromeOS, Ubuntu Linux).

    Is the way Evernote is handling supporting Linux, a growing platform in a declining market, proactive or are they reactive and waiting until the wheel's already turned?


    • Like 1
  3. Something Evernote may wish to look at is the poll on opensource.com that has Evernote with the largest percentage of votes (37%).  This Linux and Open Source orientated site should give a fair snapshot and you can see the results of the poll in What's your go-to note-taking app?

    Now for those using Linux that are ready to bail, you may want to look at the opensource.com article 4 desktop note-taking applications for getting stuff done and 4 open source alternatives to Evernote and see if any of these will better suit you.


    • Like 3
  4. 12 hours ago, gazumped said:

    Why is it so hard to believe that a busy company with a packed development plan for the next 12-24 months just doesn't have time to look at this?  It may be easy to work out a way to do something,  but however easy the task,  it still requires company resources to achieve it,  and they may be fully committed eslewhere for the forseeable future...

    Yeah, just ask Google (Google Drive for Linux, promised 6+ years ago and still to deliver)...

    If Evernote does not want to support Linux, then that's all there is to it.  Darwinism will work its way.

    As-is, for Linux I find little difference between Evernote (web) and Microsoft OneNote (web).  I did use Evernote for a while but now am using OneNote more and more.  When somebody comes up with a cross-platform product that supports Linux and has a web client then I will probably go with that.

    I think ownCloud/Nextcloud is working on one and if it accomplishes a product that is polished enough then I am going to go there.

    Too bad there isn't an easier way to get the Android version ported to Linux (in general).  That would change things.

    • Like 1
  5. There is an article about NixNote 2 Beta 5 coming out which is supposed to work with Evernote.




    These are never as good as an official version for Linux (like Google changing their Drive API so that the solutions no longer work until they are updated), but it at least helps.


    I'll probably give it a try this week, but am not expecting too much out of it yet.



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  6. It would be great to be able to use Evernote in Linux (being a Linux user for the past 12 years, I would love it, but I am not holding my breath).


    Unfortunately the trend is not in favor for making Linux clients for a number of reasons

    1. smaller market share (compared to Windows)
    2. requirement to port or adjust coding for the *nix environment (OS X is BSD-based which is similar, but different), this includes different desktop environments (KDE, Unity, Gnome/Xfce/Lxde, etc.)
    3. packaging for the different distributions (.rpm, .deb, etc.) and different distributions file layout


    To make it worthwhile they need to either

    1. Release the client as open source, so the different distributions can have their own package managers take the source code and compile it for the distribution
    2. Make it in a cross-platform manner so they only have to write it once

    These days, #2 is where companies are going!  I haven't been able to try the Windows client before, but outside of Java the best cross-platform desktop (laptop) client available is a web interface.


    This is currently the best write-once-run-anywhere solution.


    And Ubuntu (at least, others are too) is pulling in web applications into the environment as first-class citizens and making the line between native/local apps and web apps harder to see.


    Although I really wonder how much tweaking there really needs to be to convert an Android version to run



    +1 for a Linux version.

    I'm just about to switch OS from Windows to Ubuntu, and Evernote is the only App that I use that doesn't have a native Linux version :(


    Here's another well known app that is not available for Linux (despite the company promising they would make one... 5 years ago!) and so you are forced to use 3rd party FOSS apps instead:  Google Drive


    You may not use it, but a lot of people do and it is almost the same exact situation as Evernote.

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