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Larry N

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Posts posted by Larry N

  1. Since the extension works out of the box, it is so difficult to fix normal installer!  There is no need have a separate port from chromium extension. 

    Maybe we paying customer just need to spam they support until it becomes cheaper to do it that to keep answering :ph34r:


    On 5/7/2018 at 11:43 AM, Thomas Gögele said:

    Workaround to perfectly use Chrome Evernote Webclipper Extension in Brave (probably works with other extensions too, have testet it e.g. with Mercury Extension):

    1. Download Google Chrome (or Opera Browser with "Install Chrome Extensions" enabled)
    2. Install Evernote Webclipper Extension from Chrome Webstore
    3. Go to Chrome/Opera Extension folder on your PC
    4. Go to folder "pioclpoplcdbaefihamjohnefbikjilc" (Evernote Webclipper Extension) and identify last version folder of EWE
    5. In Brave preferences, enable an extension you do not plan to use otherwise (e.g. "Honey" or "Pocket"...)
    6. On your PC, go to the Brave Extension folder
    7. Identify the folder corresponding to "Honey" or "Pocket" (or some other extension you plan to substitute)
    8. Find last version folder of extension (e.g. "10.7.2"), and rename it (e.g. "10.7.2_old")
    9. Copy and paste the version folder from 4) into the extension folder from 7) and rename it exactly as the original extension folder (e.g. "10.7.2")
    10. Exit and restart Brave > et Voilà!

    Note1: It's possible you don't see any icon where it should be (right upper corner in Brave). Don't worry, it's there, but for some reason it's invisible

    Note2: Every time the Brave extension you are "usurpating" gets an update, you need to redo all these steps. Enjoy!

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