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Posts posted by Dell64

  1. Just upgraded to v10.1.7(not sure from which previous version), and this is the worst version I have seen in many years.

    Same mistake as another huge upgrade few years back: Not enough contrast.
    The previous version has font color black rendered as 0x000000. But now, black font is rendered with color 0x333333. How is this possible?
    And the contrast between the cards and the background is too small. There is hardly any difference. now. The cards are 0xFFFFFF and the background is 0xF8F8F8(used to be 0xECECEC)

    The search field in upper left: You tap on it, and then another box with a search field arrives on top of the one below(the box on top is not even properly aligned with the search field below)
    Is this proper GUI? The user expect to write in the search field itself.

    And it takes ages(2-3 seconds) for the cards for a notebook to display a preview, even if I was there just few seconds go. In previous Evernote versions, the cards always displayed immedietely.

    Please tell me these things will be fixed in a release soon. Otherwise I need to install the previous version of Evenote(which I was very happy with!)

    Screenshot 2020-10-21 at 15.02.50.png

    Screenshot 2020-10-21 at 15.02.45.png

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