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Posts posted by timely

  1. Very useful thread, but I'm disappointed Evernote just won't do for what I want. However I have found another option some might find useful.


    My aim was to create links to lots of my local documents so that I could tag them and add a few notes as to their contents and purpose. I have lots of documents containing ideas, research, strategies, projects etc. As there is quite a bit of cross-over between many of them I can't just divide them up into neat categories with folders, and it would be great to have a way to instantly have a list of all the files relevant to any topic I want to work on. Tags are essential, and I wish they were integrated into Windows - many years ago Microsoft suddenly dumped a major project for an intelligent file system, Windows FS, that would have done something like this. In fact Apple seems to have just added something called Mavericks to its operating system that allows something similar.


    For me these are working files that evolve, so it's no good dumping them into EN as attachments. But creating a separate link by hand for each file is ridiculous - there are far too many, and new ones being created too. I need a way of easily creating a database of what my documents contain and are for, and I really wanted EN to be it, because it's already my main system for organising stuff. Sadly it's completely ignoring what could be a really powerful and widely useful feature.


    However there's another fairly new utility that does such tagging with a really well thought out workflow. And it has just added a feature to keep the tags synchronised to any files kept in Dropbox, so that you can truly use the tags anywhere you are. It's free (for personal) desktop software called Tabbles, with cloud synch. You can drag and drop multiple files into 'tabbles' which are a cross between virtual folders and tags. The files aren't stored separately or attached, only linked to. Whenever you save a file in other software it pops up a tagging window, making it easy to build an up-to-date system.


    The one big fly in the ointment at the moment is that it loses track of files, and hence their tags, if you move them around your disk with Windows. It does provide its own file manager to get round this, but you have to remember to only use that way of moving files that are tagged. But Windows File Explorer does overlay an icon onto all files that have tags, to alert you. They are busily adding features still, so perhaps this will be better integrated eventually.


    I hope this is useful for others - or perhaps you have a better solution?



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