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Posts posted by CyrilMadrid

  1. C:\Users\cyril>C:\Users\cyril\Downloads\bin_evernote_backup_1.9.3_win_x64\evernote-backup.exe init-db
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "evernote_backup\__main__.py", line 1, in <module>
      File "PyInstaller\loader\pyimod02_importers.py", line 391, in exec_module
      File "evernote_backup\cli.py", line 7, in <module>
      File "PyInstaller\loader\pyimod02_importers.py", line 391, in exec_module
      File "click\__init__.py", line 7, in <module>
      File "PyInstaller\loader\pyimod02_importers.py", line 391, in exec_module
      File "click\core.py", line 16, in <module>
      File "PyInstaller\loader\pyimod02_importers.py", line 391, in exec_module
      File "click\types.py", line 9, in <module>
      File "PyInstaller\loader\pyimod02_importers.py", line 391, in exec_module
      File "click\_compat.py", line 510, in <module>
      File "PyInstaller\loader\pyimod02_importers.py", line 391, in exec_module
      File "click\_winconsole.py", line 13, in <module>
      File "PyInstaller\loader\pyimod02_importers.py", line 391, in exec_module
      File "ctypes\__init__.py", line 7, in <module>
    ImportError: DLL load failed while importing _ctypes: Le module spécifié est introuvable.
    [25568] Failed to execute script '__main__' due to unhandled exception!

  2. Hello. I installed package evernote-backup in Python. I import the package, but when I call evernote-backup init-db as per the instructions, I get invalid syntax.

    import evernote_backup
    evernote-backup init-db

     File "C:\Users\cyril\PycharmProjects\EvernoteBackup\main.py", line 2
        evernote-backup init-db
    SyntaxError: invalid syntax

  3. 7 hours ago, TK0047 said:

    Wow, this really annoys me. I had been a paying member for a long time, until I made the switch the Notion due to lack of improvements to Evernote. I was ok with the 2 devices so I can still look at my old notes as I use my new system.

    But now only one device!! I had it on my iPhone and on a PC, that was it. I was going to use the online on the PC but saw the comment about that counts towards that quota which does not make sense.

    Had been a hugeeeee Evernote fan but not any more. Now I need to convert all my notes (or at least the important ones since I have over 30K).

    I guess I am just venting here but the free version does not provide much anymore compared to other apps.

    How do you mass exports your notes? I tried 100 by 100 but very painful

  4. 15 hours ago, Boot17 said:

    I've seen comments that lead me to believe that Bending Spoons is experimenting with a small number of free users to see if limiting them to just one device will improve conversion rates to paying membership. 

    let's see if it's just a trial and reverts back !

    • Like 1
  5. Hello, I am using the free version, and had my PC and my mobile synchronised.

    Since yesterday it tells me I can only have a max of...1 device.

    I tried to disconnect my mobile, uninstall Evernote, etc, still same issue.

    I am over 50 notes, but I am not creating any new ones, and this is not the message I get which clearly says you can have a max of 1 devices.

    Any idea ???

    • Like 2
  6. I use Evernote on mobile for many years. In the last month of so, I have a problem: when i create a note, and write a title, let's say "Buy food", the note loses part of the title and is saved as "B" or "Bu". Even if I correct it and validate it again, I get the same issue. I end up having to create notes in the computer. I am using 10.34

    Anybody has this issue ? Any possible solution ? I tried to disconnect, clear all the data on the mobile and reconnect, didn't help.

    I also have some issues with synchronisation from mobile to PC, doesn't work so well.

  7. I use Evernote on mobile for many years. In the last month of so, I have a problem: when i create a note, and write a title, let's say "Buy food", the note loses part of the title and is saved as "B" or "Bu". Even if I correct it and validate it again, I get the same issue. I end up having to create notes in the computer.

    Anybody has this issue ? Any possible solution ? I tried to disconnect, clear all the data on the mobile and reconnect, didn't help.

    I also have some issues with synchronisation from mobile to PC, doesn't work so well.

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