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Posts posted by matthieu.

  1. On 6/27/2019 at 9:19 AM, Joe Pairman said:

    It looks like this is finally on the way! Hopefully should be nice enough to get me off Dropbox Paper and back into Evernote for actually taking notes and not just web clipping.

    Evernote Behind the Scenes #3


    FINALLY !!! i hope it will be really soon on all OS versions

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  2. 1 minute ago, DTLow said:

    I don't think of my notes as web pages, but  the base format used by Evernote is ENML; and HTML fork.
    I can edit the content.enml of notes on my Mac, using a text editor and it's basic ENML.

    stop thinking about your notes only

    some people use structure in notes, and they are not a minority that Ervenote has to ignore.
    it will not be a problem for you if this feature is added to evernote

  3. you always reply in the same way DTLow :( yes we need heading so we can use notes in other contextes, with a real STRUCTURE, syntax is everywhere in web an so we can extract structure, table of contents, and I'm far to be the only one who needs that

    styling comes AFTER syntax, and is way more easy to use when connected to syntax

    I use evernote to prepare tutorials for exemple, or offers, directly connected to export of my notes and I don't want to modify the text after exportation, I just apply stiles with CSS, every time the same CSS for my exported notes

    I use evernote fot ten years now, and I pay for 5 ort 6 years the premium account, they added lots of features we don't need, but this one, requested from the beginning, nothing :( they ignore it


  4. what an enlightenment this morning discovering this thread, and what a disappointment now :(

    ***** styles, it's no value. i will continue to pay evernote but with contempt, I have to pay because i use it for more than 10 years, but I will never understand the fact they don't car about syntax





  5. Evertool seems a great and easy to use tool, but I have one question
    when I look at the videos, I don’t see you can choose the importance of titles : Heading 1 2 3 4 5 6
    Is it only about styling and not about syntax ?
    when I export in html a note stylized with Evertool, are the titles with differents Heading tags ? <h1><h2>…. that I can choose ?
    thank you
  6. 14 minutes ago, jefito said:

    Basic markdown != actual Markdown. As I said above, they've added some Markdown-ish shortcuts to the Windows client (and maybe the Mac client)

    I didn't notice some markdown stuff in the windows client ? (I use mainly evernote on a windows computer)

    the minimum should be the use of headings, without that we dont have semantic construction of the notes, it's really important in a note app

    as you say, they improve all of that too slowly, and I've a problem with this because it's the core of the app, and they increase de prices, without increasing the quality :(



  7. 5 minutes ago, jefito said:

    Reference for this? I found this thread: https://discussion.evernote.com/topic/89115-feature-request-what-is-markdown-and-why-evernote-needs-it/, but saw no evidence that Evernote was committing to a full-on Markdown experience.


    hello Jefito

    it's here, in an official blog post :



    Bulleted lists and pasted content will become sharper. Image and table handling will be amazing. Basic markdown will be a reality. Beyond the fundamentals, it’ll open up new possibilities for what a note is and how you use and share it.


  8. I tried marxi.co, but you can't edit notes already in evernote, and you can't edit in evernote a note created in marxi.co and after reedit in marxi.co

    so as evernote team talked us about markdown in 2015, and as it's the top feature request, I hope they will act ?

    I really need markdown or headings directly in evernote, please I use evernote for more than 9 years and don't want to change because this simple reason :(



  9. What? How is it possible to remove such a functionality without explaining it ?


    We need shared links for notebooks! I'm now a paying user, since some months, and I alos think that removing functionalities without warnings isn't acceptable.


    also I think that they can ADD a feature like shared with precises emails, that'not a problem and I'ts possible to keep the two functionalities, they have different goals.


    support ticket created to complain about this

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  10. I also need this feature, please.


    And to avoid this kind of thread, with a lot of misunderstanding, I think Evernote should publish their roadmap, so we can estimate what will be available in near future. And perhaps also add a votebox like Dropbox had before, to allow users to prioritize new features.


    I'm now a paying customer, and as I really LOVE Evernote, I want it better, and I want to use it for more task than now 

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